04:37 PM
Monday 03 April 2023
I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser:
Patients with high and low blood pressure must follow a healthy diet during the holy month of Ramadan, to benefit from fasting and avoid any complications.
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In the following report, the “Consulto” reviews the permitted and prohibited foods for pressure patients in Ramadan, according to the “Medical News Today” website.
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Also read: Ramadan fasting – when is it forbidden for hypertensive patients?
Food and drinks allowed for pressure patients in Ramadan
1- Water
Patients with high or low blood pressure should take care to drink plenty of water between breakfast and suhoor, at least 8 cups per day, to maintain body hydration and stimulate blood circulation.
You may be interested: Does drinking water lower blood pressure? Here’s the right amount
2- Eggs
Eggs play a major role in raising low blood pressure, and the reason is that they contain a high percentage of folic acid, but care must be taken not to overdo it, to prevent high cholesterol in the body.
You may also be interested in: For low pressure patients – Foods that may harm you in Ramadan
3- Leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables are of great importance to patients with high blood pressure, because water represents a high percentage of their total nutritional value, and they also contain high levels of potassium.
Therefore, it is necessary for leafy vegetables to be an essential dish in the breakfast and suhoor meals for patients with high pressure.
Also read: For patients with high pressure – 5 spices that help lower it
Food and drinks prohibited for patients with pressure in Ramadan
1- Dairy products
Some studies have shown that calcium, which is abundant in dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, impedes the body’s absorption of iron, which leads to lower blood pressure.
Therefore, low pressure patients should completely stay away from dairy products.
You may be interested in: Yogurt in Ramadan – a doctor warns those against eating it
2- Pickles
Pickles are added to large quantities of salts, which are gained by high levels of sodium, which causes a sharp rise in blood pressure, especially when eaten in excess or in light of high pressure.
You may also be interested in: For patients with high pressure – Foods that you should not eat in Ramadan
3- Licorice
Licorice is one of the Ramadan drinks that are forbidden to patients with high pressure, because it causes blood vessels to constrict, which leads to high blood pressure.
To view the rest of the categories that are prohibited from drinking liquorice in Ramadan, click here.
Also read: Drinks on the Ramadan table to lower high pressure