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Hiding behind Russia and China, the US killed the European Empire –

/ world today news/ France’s flirtation with China is not at all supported by Germany in its “holy” fear of the USA. This is yet another reason why they are doomed to failure, and also proof that Washington has managed to drive a wedge between Paris and Berlin. There will definitely be no Charlemagne Empire 2.0 in Europe.

It has long been debatable whether Paris sincerely does not want to intervene in the US-Beijing standoff over Taiwan in order to continue to profit from trade with China.

It is debatable whether the French President Emmanuel Macron is sincerely talking about the “autonomy” of Europe from the USA or is inflating the price of France so that it will still be chained to the Anglo-Saxon core of the new West – AUKUS, after which he will “throw” Beijing. “Tsarigrad” has already dealt with this topic in detail.

But what can be said unequivocally is that Germany will not support France in these games, despite being led by a great and old friend of China, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (GSDP).

They will not support it because the very idea of ​​going against the interests of the United States is revolting and wild to the German ruling class, even as the Americans, having thrown off their former generosity, have begun openly to plunder and drown that country which still occupy

With the help of the Germans, the Americans have an excellent chance of achieving – in addition to two already half-realized goals (the termination of European energy cooperation with Russia and a sharp reduction in trade with China, which is still to come) – perhaps their main goal.

Namely – to prevent the emergence in Europe of a modern version of the empire of Charlemagne, the inevitable economic and geopolitical competitor of the United States, for which until recently Paris and Berlin jointly advocated. Washington will squeeze everything out of Ukraine and Taiwan.

This is clear from the way leading German politicians reacted to Macron’s China trip, his subsequent interviews and his visit to the Netherlands, where the same rhetoric sounded: Europe is ripe for autonomy from the United States, Europeans must hurry to strengthen their sovereignty , you must not get involved in other people’s conflicts, you must choose your own “partners”, follow only your own interests, stop being “led” by the Americans.

Two countries, two ministers

Here’s what they said in Berlin. German Finance Minister Christian Lindner (SVP) condemned France for its desire to strengthen “European sovereignty”.

“I am a strong supporter of the transatlantic partnership,” DPA quoted him as saying.

According to Lindner, the US and the European Union share common values ​​and should be each other’s preferred trading partners.

“And I am convinced that the security of European soil requires a strong commitment of the United States in the context of NATO and beyond,” emphasized the German minister and leader of one of the ruling parties.

Lindner’s comments came in response to a statement by his French counterpart, Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, on Europe 1 radio in which he backed Macron:

“The president is absolutely right when he talks about European sovereignty. We are allies of the US, we share the same values ​​as well as different interests, including economic ones. But that does not mean that if we are allies, we have to be against China.”

“And we would not like to be drawn into a rivalry between the PRC and the US, we want to build European independence,” he said.

The minister did not limit himself to these words and continued:

“We choose the path of dialogue that Europe adheres to and that was discussed during the president’s visit to China.”

“Isn’t this preferable to the logic of confrontation and haste? Does Europe, which is already waging war in Ukraine, need a new conflict? Does the world need another conflict? No,” the Frenchman was categorical.

Macron will pay for this!

Apparently reasonable speeches are heard from Paris, but what is the answer to them in Berlin! This is what, for example, the head of the Bundestag’s foreign policy committee, Michael Roth, a social democrat who is a member of Scholz’s party, said in an interview with the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel:

“Macron will pay a heavy price for this. He threatens to divide Europe with these statements…”

According to this member of the GSDP leadership, the French president is not only undermining relations with the United States, his rhetoric is also dividing Central and Eastern Europe, “he is also upsetting other international partners.”

Because Taiwan, “as Macron suggests, is not on an alien planet, but has a lot in common with us in Europe.”

Moreover, Macron, they say, is not only upsetting, but also “striking across Central and Eastern Europe”, “undermining the foundations of a united Europe”.

“Our neighbors to the east are still firmly convinced that neither Germany nor France alone can guarantee their freedom and security. At the moment only the USA,” Roth is convinced.

Returning to Taiwan again, he declared that “if we suddenly turn our backs on one of our most trusted partners, it will create a security threat – not only for us in Germany, but for the entire EU.”

Another prominent Social Democrat expert from the GSDP faction in the Bundestag, Metin Hakverdi, said in an interview with the same Der Tagesspiegel: “The West, that is Europe and the United States, should always try to act as a united front with regard to China, not acting disjointed’.

According to him, the West would be making a “serious mistake” if it allowed itself to be divided over China, because it would “weaken our Western community built on shared values”.

The president of France has gone mad!

The chairman of the leading opposition party CDU Friedrich Merz spoke briefly about the policy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the direction of China. Perhaps because he has a reputation as a pro-American politician and has been closely associated with the US in the past.

However, another prominent Christian Democrat, staunch Atlanticist – and Russophobe – Norbert Rötgen, a foreign policy expert from the CDU/CSU faction in the Bundestag, said in an interview with Bild: “It seems that Macron has gone mad.”

“While America, not France or Germany, largely supports Ukraine and thus protects Europe, Macron insists on distancing himself from America. At a time when China is rehearsing an attack on Taiwan, Macron is insisting on a rapprochement with China,” Rötgen said , commenting on the French president’s statements as “naïve and dangerous rhetoric” that supposedly weakens and divides Europe.

“If from now on Macron looks for a separate path for Europe, excluding close interaction with the US, this could have fatal consequences,” CDU expert on European affairs Christoph Ploss emphasized in a conversation with Der Tagesspiegel.

A prominent figure in the Bavarian CSU and chairman of the European Parliament’s leading faction, the European People’s Party, Manfred Weber, said in an interview with the Bavaria media group that “the Chinese leadership… will not respect the Europeans” ” if, on the one hand, they demand sovereignty for Europe and then make any deal with China that you can get.”

Above all he had in mind the French figures. Other politicians do not have the right to vote in Germany.

None of the gentlemen quoted above, as we can see, are bothered that China is Germany’s largest trading partner. That their country, its economy, will suffer severely as a result of the inevitable deterioration of bilateral relations under such an approach.

What an economy – “values” are at stake. But above all the slavish habit of servitude to the USA, where they are well acquainted, peeping and eavesdropping on everyone, for all their secrets and mysteries!

And what about the main “friend”?

But what about Scholz himself, who has been closely associated with the Chinese since the time of the Hamburg city hall, whose port he turned into “China’s sea gate to Europe”?

This figure visited Beijing back in the days of the “Komsomol Youth” and visited late last year – much earlier than the main crowd of high-ranking foreign visitors. What of this? Well, nothing!

Scholz speaks in hints that are, however, easy to decipher. Speaking at a joint press conference with Swiss President Alain Berse on April 18, the German chancellor said Berlin was pursuing a one-China policy, but at the same time it was “quite clear that there can be no forcible change of the existing status quo” regarding Taiwan .

According to Bloomberg on April 25, citing sources, Scholz invited Chinese Premier Li Qiang to visit Berlin for talks on reducing tensions between China and the European Union.

He is said to want to “draw red lines” on any changes to the status quo around Taiwan to gain support from Beijing in the global fight for peace and climate protection.

Translated from diplomatic language to normal, this means: force the Chinese to give up Taiwan, hand over Russia to Ukraine, swear allegiance to the globalist liberal agenda.

What are the prospects?

The cynicism of the German position consists in the fact that Berlin does not at all protest against the provocative actions of the USA in Taiwan, pushing the island towards “independence”, pumping it with weapons from the Americans.

But once China is forced to say “no” to it and intervene, it will be declared an “aggressor” like Russia in Ukraine (exactly the same case!) and then subjected to sanctions already developed against the Russians . And the Chinese, who could not help but react, will be considered guilty of this!

It’s easy to guess what happens next. When Xi Jinping’s China refuses to bow to the West “in the name of self-interest,” Scholz will express sincere regret and do what German babies have long known: break with China.

The rehearsal for this has already been done. From April 13 to 15, the close pro-American German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock (“The Greens”) visited Beijing.

Out of habit, she began to teach the Chinese about “democracy” and respect for “human rights.” In response, according to Die Zeit, Chinese Foreign Minister Qing Gan bluntly stated: “If China definitely doesn’t need someone, it’s another ‘mentor’ from the West.” Berbock – that Blinken in a skirt – spoiled the visit. It couldn’t be otherwise.

What of this?

Thus, it is quite clear that China’s bet on Romano-Germanic Europe as an independent or at least potentially independent pole in modern politics will not work.

Germany will not dare disobey the US, and this cowardly stance of Berlin will be another reason for Paris not to do the same, lest it be isolated. Both Macron and Scholz, whose environment is even worse, are too weak, like almost all modern Western politicians.

I think it will all come down to blackmailing France by the United States to get more favorable conditions for further existence from the Americans. And on the part of China – to an imitation of normality, in order to have time to receive more valuable things from Europe while they are giving.

China has no one but Russia to seriously rely on. Moscow is in the same position as Beijing, which makes their “more than an alliance” extremely strong. China, of course, could not help but try to maintain its close economic ties with Europe, but in the current conditions this is unrealistic. Soon in Beijing, they will finally be convinced of this.

Translation: SM

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