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Hide that Trump from me … when history changes the photo

2021: Donald Trump, cut off during winding?

At the beginning of Mom, I missed the plane again (1992), the young boy played by Macaulay Culkin asks Donald Trump for directions, who shows him the way. The latter, owner of the Plaza Hotel, had given the crew the filming permissions before demanding to appear in the film. After the reactions of social networks in January, Macaulay Culkin is campaigning today, without success, for his scene with the former president of the United States to be removed from the film. The Canadian channel CBC had already taken the initiative to suppress the appearance of Trump before the film’s airing on Christmas Day 2019.

2013: Jang Song-Thaek, executed for treason

Jang Song-Thaek (third from left) and Kim Jong Un (right) in December 2013. Jang Song-Thaek (third from left) and Kim Jong Un (right) in December 2013.

Kim Jong-un came to power in December 2011, after the death of his father, Kim Jong-il. Jang Song-thaek, husband of Kim Jong-il’s sister, was considered the regent during the transition period, mentor to his nephew and unofficial number 2 in the regime. Accused of treason by Kim Jong-un, he was executed in December 2013 and deleted from official photos of the regime.

1960: a cosmonaut eliminated for alcoholism

Grigory Nelioubov (second from left, top) with the cosmonaut team in the 1960s. Grigory Nelioubov (second from left, top) with the cosmonaut team in the 1960s.

This former pilot of the Soviet Air Force was selected, in 1960, from the group of the first twenty cosmonauts of his country, alongside Yuri Gagarin, of whom he became the second understudy. After several incidents, all linked to his strong taste for vodka, he found himself laid off. Falling into depression, in 1966 he was run over by a train. The accident, attributed to his alcoholism, is presented by the Communist authorities as an attempted suicide. Removed from official photos, Grigory Nelioubov disappears a second time.

1946: Qin Bangxian, purged by Mao

Qin Bangxian (left), Chinese Communist Party caciques Zhou Enlai and Zhu De and Mao Zedong in the 1930s. Qin Bangxian (left), Chinese Communist Party caciques Zhou Enlai and Zhu De and Mao Zedong in the 1930s.

The one who was, in 1945, elected commissioner of the central committee of the Chinese Communist Party had been criticized for a number of strategic errors, such as the choice to concentrate on the cities and not on the countryside, which were attributable to Mao. The latter is ruthless. Qin Bangxian, who died in a plane crash in 1946, disappears from the photo.

1940: Nikolai Lejov, liquidated by Stalin

Nikolai Yezhov (right) and Josef Stalin in 1937. Nikolai Yezhov (right) and Josef Stalin in 1937.

From 1934, Stalin decided to get rid of his supposed enemies. The latter are numerous: 750,000 people disappeared during the great purges. The organizer of these is Nikolai Yezhov, supreme leader of the NKVD, the Soviet political police. Yejov suddenly found himself disowned and executed in February 1940. Stalin then called in his retouchers who removed Yejov from all the official photographs in which he appeared.

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