Home » today » World » Hicks day has arrived: What did they actually blow up on the Crimean bridge? – 2024-08-18 14:51:49

Hicks day has arrived: What did they actually blow up on the Crimean bridge? – 2024-08-18 14:51:49

/ world today news/ July 17 is the day Russia must announce the extension or termination of the grain deal. The terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge seems to leave no choice: no negotiations with terrorists and no agreements to allow food exports. But not everyone thinks so. Some believe that Russia may be spooked.

The attack and its consequences

Terrorist attacks are rarely senseless. The word “terror” itself is not used in vain: the terrorist does not so much want to cause material damage, and even less to kill someone specifically, than to cause moral damage.

The goal of terrorists is to instill fear, uncertainty, discord in our ranks, to undermine the very structure of society, which is accepted to be afraid of terrorist attacks.

This is how the Ukrainian terrorist state operates today. Unable to win serious victories on the battlefield (all their “victories” were connected with “gestures of goodwill” on the part of peaceful Russia), they expect to frighten the Russians – to create a situation in which even no one will feel safe away from the front line. Especially away from the front line.

Here is the latest terrorist attack – the attack on the Crimean bridge. Two adults died in the car, their injured daughter was left an orphan.

This nightmare is the true meaning of the terrorist attack. People went to rest. People were in Russia, at home, they were in great spirits, they should have considered themselves completely safe. But there is no certainty how far Ukrainian terror can go.

Since this is precisely the purpose of terror, there are not many ways to respond adequately. In fact, there are only two of them, and they must be applied simultaneously.

1. Terrorists must be destroyed, as well as the sponsors, ideologues, organizers of terrorist attacks, those who finance them, as well as the infrastructure supporting terrorism.

In our case, this means that the entire Ukrainian state must be destroyed, and until this goal is achieved, everything that is valuable to this state is subject to destruction.

2. Since the purpose of terror is to make us change our behavior, the formula “no negotiations with terrorists” should be applied as widely as possible. Terrorists must understand that by taking this path, they have deprived themselves of any opportunity to say anything to us, to make demands, and generally to be considered human.

If this is not announced out loud and all talks with the terrorists are not abandoned, the purpose of the attacks will be partially achieved. Because the goal is precisely to scare them into discussing the goals and demands of the terrorists.

This is more of a theory. In terms of practice, the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge has concrete practical consequences.

Don’t negotiate with terrorists. Who is against?

It is no coincidence that this terrorist act coincides with the expiration of the “Black Sea Grain Initiative”, colloquially called the grain deal. So far, Russia has not unequivocally announced the termination of the deal.

Instead, there was a statement by the foreign minister that the deal could not be “improved” because obligations to Russia were not being met, and a statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself that the West’s obligations must be met first, and then this we will think. That’s on the one hand. On the other hand, there was terrorist extortion.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan allowed it to be used as a tool for blackmail. Perhaps he himself has a different attitude to his actions, but from our point of view, he did not simply violate the obligations that he voluntarily undertook to Russia.

He sent to Ukraine the leaders of “Azov” * – an organization that is recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia. That is, he freed the terrorists and enabled them to continue committing crimes. Erdogan did this, believing that, intimidated by Turkey’s actions, Russia would once again make a deal.

The terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge follows the same logic: we are shown what will happen when the deal is buried. Formally, because, as the world press writes, the obligations under the deal also included obligations not to affect the civil infrastructure. Or in the Black Sea region, or in general.

Informally – well the terrorists say: if you don’t agree to give us 50 billion dollars, they will untie our hands! Why 50 billion? Because this is the maximum estimate of revenue from grain exported from Ukraine in 2022-2023.

There are more realistic estimates – from 9 to 16 billion dollars in 2022-2023 and up to 20 billion in 2024 if the deal goes through. These figures are not so important: the approach is important: Ukraine shows that either a deal or terrorist attacks.

The only correct reaction of Russia in the current situation is to rule out even the slightest possibility of admitting that, under any circumstances, transactions with a terrorist state would be possible. The terrorist state must be destroyed.

I must say we are not the only ones who understand this. On July 17, the New York Times has already published an article on its website “Crimea bridge emergency destroys key ties with Russia.”

The main idea of ​​the article: now the resumption of the grain deal will be impossible.

In Turkey, however, this is still not certain. In any case, Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz said on the A-haber TV channel:

“We continue to work to extend the agreement for a new term.”

If we talk about what needs to be done now, then we need to disappoint Turkey and all the possible beneficiaries of the grain deal as quickly as possible. And it would be good to do this not only at the level of speeches.

The complete destruction of Ukraine’s port infrastructure on the Black Sea would be just that. A terrorist state should have no exports, no imports, no grain terminals.

So far, however, the official position has been expressed much less categorically. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on July 17:

“In fact, the Black Sea agreements have ceased to be valid today. As the President of the Russian Federation said earlier, unfortunately, the Russian part of these Black Sea agreements has not been fulfilled.”

“Therefore, it is terminated. As soon as the Russian part of the arrangements is fulfilled, the Russian side will immediately return to the implementation of this deal,” he continued.

What of this?

In the West, some people try to be smarter than others. And through the emigrants, the idea that “it is a full-fledged military operation of a legitimate systemic opponent, but definitely not of any non-systemic terrorists” is being introduced into our information field.

This thought from the traitors is very important. This is the idea that it is possible to agree something with Ukraine (a legitimate adversary). This idea is very much liked by the “party of the shameless” inside Russia. And this alone is the best proof that the “party of peace” is a party of treason.

This idea must be categorically rejected. First, the destruction of the infrastructure of terrorism, that is, the Ukrainian state itself. Until then, any negotiations. Otherwise there will be neither peace nor security.

Translation: SM

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