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Hezbollah Tunnels: A Lesson from Hamas and the Challenges Faced by IDF


Not only Hamas who made tunnel, the Hezbollah group in Lebanon also does this, although not as big as Hamas. Israeli soldiers once discovered a tunnel Hizbullah which is quite good in design and technology.

In 2019, Hezbollah tunnels were discovered stretching from Lebanon to northern Israel. It is equipped with electrical facilities and communication equipment.

As quoted detikINET from Reuters, at that time the Israeli military said it was up to 80 meters deep and was dug from Lebanon to near the city of Zarit in Israel. This tunnel was discovered during a search mission by Israeli troops earlier that year.

Previously in 2018, Israel also blocked a tunnel made by Hezbollah that led to its territory and could possibly use it to kidnap and hold Israeli citizens hostage. At that time, an Israeli military spokesman said Hezbullan made the tunnel with the help of Hamas.

Hezbollah, a paramilitary party and group in Lebanon backed by Iran, has long been an enemy of Israel. They fought fiercely for about a month in 2006.

However, regarding tunnels, Hezbollah does not seem as serious as Hamas in making them. Hamas claims the network of tunnels under Gaza has reached a total length of around 500 kilometers.

Such threats led many IDF soldiers to be trained in basic tunnel warfare. Then there is the Yahalom Unit, an elite commando group for tunnel warfare.

The IDF also has other equipment for fighting in tunnels, such as night vision systems, drones and robots, ground and air sensors, radio technology, drilling equipment and bunker-busting bombs. However, the biggest problem facing the IDF is the large scale of the tunnel network, and there is no silver bullet to overcome this problem.

“In this situation, the problem is not just finding the tunnel,” said John Spencer from the Modern War Institute, quoted by detikINET from Insider.

“You don’t know what’s under there, because Hamas uses human shields, because Hamas has more than a hundred hostages, this exponentially increases this underground nightmare,” he added.

Watch the video “Lebanese PM asks Hezbollah not to be provoked by Israel”


2023-10-25 02:45:50
#Hamas #Hezbollah #tunnels #attack #Israel

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