In Peru, Almost 30% of newborn deaths are due to premature birthaccording to data from the Peruvian Ministry of Health (Minsa). Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the risk of death at this vulnerable stage.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), A baby born before completing 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered “premature”; If it is born before 32 weeks, it is “very premature”, and if it is before 28 weeks, it is considered “extremely premature”.
On a global scale, it is the prematurity of the leading cause of death in infantsand Peru is no stranger to this fact. In this sense, so far in 2024, the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Disease (CDC Peru) has registered 1,765 newborn deaths, of which 29.9% are the result of premature birth fast
“Premature babies usually have a very low birth weight, plus they haven’t completed every week of gestation. These conditions make them very vulnerable to suffering from diseases that could be prevented by vaccination,” said Ofelina Vergara, Vaccine Medical Manager at Sanofi. So, in case babies born prematurely, Vaccination plays a fundamental role in preserving your health and life. In that sense, the hexavalent vaccines acellular are an effective means of preventing mortality in premature infants.

Immunization is essential for the entire population, but it is especially important among groups that need more protection. In particular, premature newborns need more attention and care, because Their immune system is more vulnerable and they are more susceptible to various infectious diseases.. This is where combined hexavalent acellular vaccines have a special role. These types of vaccines reduce the likelihood of side effects and They protect against six diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B and polio.
“One of the main advantages of the hexavalent vaccine, by protecting against a greater number of diseases, is that fewer injections are needed, which avoids stress and discomfort in the baby, and which also represents significant savings for the country,” said Dr. Vergara.
The main feature of acellular vaccines is that they identify and separate specific fractions of the bacteria, which reduces the side effects of the vaccine. These vaccines represent a less painful, safer and more effective alternative for babies.
Therefore, it is important to identify acellular vaccination as an essential strategy in the care and protection of premature babies, because it gives them an opportunity. strengthen your immune system and prevent various types of diseases and infectious bacteria.
The hexavalent acellular vaccine is given in three doses and additional boosters:
- The first dose is applied 2 months or, at least, from the sixth week of life.
- The second dose is given 4 months or at least 30 days after the first dose.
- The third dose is applied 6 months or at least 30 days after the second dose.
- Finally, the increase is given to the 18 months or at least 6 months after the third dose.
The acellular hexavalent vaccine is safe and effective, causing fewer side effects in babies than the traditional vaccine, as it is made up of cell fragments instead of whole cells.

The acellular hexavalent vaccine uses an acellular form, meaning that it contains inactive components or fragments of the pathogens that cause the diseases. This significantly reducing the risk of adverse effects and providing greater safety for children. Furthermore, by using an acellular form, the risk of allergic reactions associated with whole cell vaccines is reduced.
The action of the hexavalent acellular vaccine is based on stimulation of the child’s immune system. By providing the components of pathogens in an inactive form, the child’s immune system recognizes these components as foreign components and develops an immune response. This means that when the child comes into contact with real pathogens in the future, his immune system will be ready to fight effectively and prevent the development of serious diseases.
2024-11-24 03:25:00
#Hexavalent #acellular #vaccines #fight #diseases #prevent #mortality #premature #babies