Home » today » Health » Heudicourt-sous-les-Côtes. A dog rescued from the icy waters of Madine by firefighters

Heudicourt-sous-les-Côtes. A dog rescued from the icy waters of Madine by firefighters

This is the beautiful story of the weekend, that of Orus, a young golden retriever. Saturday afternoon, his masters take him for a stroll on the shores of Lake Madine, on the Heudicourt side. Orus ventures out onto the frozen lake. If the ice was thick enough to support the weight of the animal near the shore, about fifty meters further it gave way. Orus falls into the water.


Distraught, the dog’s owners call the fire department. The alert processing center immediately hired a team of divers and aquatic rescuers. If the masters of Orus know approximately where they are, for more speed the firefighters need to locate them with precision. At the treatment center, the premises are geolocated from the mobile phone of the couple who had just raised the alert.

Water at 3 °

Quickly, a nautical team made up of firefighters from Commercy, Saint-Mihiel and Verdun, a water rescue technical advisor from SDIS, and the local officer arrived on the shores of the lake.

After having made a device allowing them to advance in complete safety, the firefighters progressed on the ice then in the water at 3 ° to get Orus about fifty meters from the edge.

Brought back to the shore, the dog was taken care of by the Vigneulles firefighters before being handed over to its owners who had had a great fright.

Last month, the firefighters had carried out a similar intervention. They had saved a woman who had gone to get her dog on the lake.

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