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Hettange-Grande. Drunk, he threatens to plant his companion with a knife

In the courtroom of the Thionville judicial court, this Monday, January 3, already a file of domestic violence. Assisted by his lawyer, the accused is not very verbose. Faced with the questions asked by the magistrates, his “casual attitude” annoys the president Marie-Cécile Dupuy, who tackles him from the outset. On the benches of the assistance, his concubine is present alongside the daughter of the respondent, accompanied by her mother. All three are again plunged into the alcoholic scent of this evening in October 2021, which twisted because “the children are not in bed”. The president read the hearing the day after the fact. There was no complaint. “The one carrying your child says that you yelled at her, insulted her, that you threatened to stab her with a knife, that she will not have this child from you, that you hit her on the stomach, chest, and that she curled up several times to protect herself. How do you explain all this? “Terse response from the person concerned:” I don’t know. “

4 to 5 liters of beer

To the representative of the public prosecutor to drive the point home: “That evening you would have drunk 4-5 liters of beer, and there followed an outburst of violence. Your daughter has come between you and her mother-in-law. No, it wasn’t the alcohol that hit the nail on the head that night. It’s you ! The 30-something claims he has stopped drinking, but there is no concrete proof.

And the prosecution to request 18 months in prison with probationary reprieve for 2 months, with the obligation to take care of oneself, to follow an awareness training course on domestic violence. The court will raise the level of the quantum of the sentence, with the prohibition to come into contact with the mother of her baby and her children.

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