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Hesse State Sports Association (lsbh) Prepares for Increased Spending in 2024

The consequences of the corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine will continue to result in higher spending at the Hesse State Sports Association (lsbh) in 2024. Nevertheless, the executive board of the umbrella organization for Hessian sport is assuming a balanced budget next year thanks to savings. The corresponding plan, with a total of 39 million euros for income and expenditure, was unanimously approved by the 220 delegates from sports circles and professional associations at the main committee on Saturday in Frankfurt.

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In order to ensure our own work, but also that of the more than 7,400 clubs with their 2.1 million members in the future, there should soon be negotiations with the new state government, according to lsbh President Juliane Kuhlmann. The aim is to further increase the share of sports in gambling revenue. This funding currently amounts to 24.3 million euros. Kuhlmann emphasized that they wanted to “actively set new accents” despite the crisis mode.

In 2023, the clubs benefited from maximum funding from sports organizations and their supporters amounting to twelve million euros. According to Kuhlmann, the lsbh distributed almost nine million euros through regular and additional funding. In addition, there were 1.2 million euros each in energy aid and funds from a qualification offensive by the state government. In addition, the Hessian side called up almost 800,000 euros from the restart program of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). This campaign uses, among other things, contribution vouchers to recruit new members.

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The consequences of the corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine will continue to result in higher spending at the Hesse State Sports Association (lsbh) in 2024. Nevertheless, the executive board of the umbrella organization for Hessian sport is assuming a balanced budget next year thanks to savings. The corresponding plan, with a total of 39 million euros for income and expenditure, was unanimously approved by the 220 delegates from sports circles and professional associations at the main committee on Saturday in Frankfurt.

In order to ensure our own work, but also that of the more than 7,400 clubs with their 2.1 million members in the future, there should soon be negotiations with the new state government, according to lsbh President Juliane Kuhlmann. The aim is to further increase the share of sports in gambling revenue. This funding currently amounts to 24.3 million euros. Kuhlmann emphasized that they wanted to “actively set new accents” despite the crisis mode.

2023-11-12 06:35:43
#Frankfurt #Main #State #sports #association #hopes #higher #share #betting #revenue

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