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Hervé Martel wants to “open up to the city” with the Port Center

The Grand Port Maritime de Marseille-Fos (GPMM) shows new resolutions. Its prime minister, Hervé Martel, formalized on Wednesday 12 October at the forum of the museum of European and Mediterranean civilizations (mucem) the creation of a cultural platform dedicated to the transmission of the port’s historical heritage : the “port center”. A space for conferences, events and exhibitions, open to all, but which will be aimed in particular at young people, at the request of the Municipality. ” We want to explain to the people of Marseille, to the young people, what the port is “, Specifies the senior official. Hervé Martel intends to restore the image of the commercial port, so that it is no longer considered an inaccessible space.

In the pits for more than a year, the Port center should be integrated into the future headquarters of the GPMM, place de la Joliette (2nd). This more global entity, whose surface area will exceed 25,000 m², will replace the current headquarters, a building dating back to the 1950s.

Guided tours in the eastern docks of the port

Following this new policy of opening to the public and promoting its heritage, the GPMM offers a guided tour by boat of its eastern docks, in Marseille, for 20 euros, in collaboration with the Mucem. Almost 400 people took part in the first two sea voyages aboard the Helios: the third and last visit was scheduled for Saturday 15 October at 10:30. The operation is expected to be repeated next year.

The skyline of Marseille seen from the Helios, during a guided tour of the eastern docks of the port of Marseille (credit: RL)

A collective project, symbol of a renewed dialogue between the city and the port

If the total cost of the future headquarters is estimated at over 100 million euros, with delivery scheduled for 2026, the amount destined for the cultural center is not yet known. And for good reason, the project remains to be perfected; it still requires local actors to collaborate. In this new voyage, the Grand Port Maritime, a public body, will have to set sail with the communities. In particular the City of Marseille, ” very motivated about this file “, But with whom the dialogue has not always been good in recent years. ” Relations (with the town hall) they expanded, the port itself was closedrecognizes Hervé Martel, who remembers him the new security rules prohibit physical access to the port (especially at the breakwater, ed) “He feels Ville and Port have turned their backs for too long.

The Port and the Municipality should not oppose each other.

Christopher Mimand

And it is not the regional prefect, Christophe Mirmand, who says the opposite. ” It is very difficult for an industrial plant to fit into an urban environment “he explains, and note that on the contrary,” it is also difficult for a city and its inhabitants to feel that part of the coast is escaping them “. Christophe Mirmand reminds us:” Marseille was born from the sea “. According to him, the public authorities must guarantee the maintenance of maritime and port activity, preserving” harmonious development of the city “. The commercial port must become an object of” lust and pride “. As for the City-Port relations,” you have to work on it “, Argues the representative of the State, and to conclude:” the Port and the City must not oppose (…) it is more than a neighborly relationship, they are intricate “.

A “Grand Estaque” project for the inhabitants of the northern districts

Questioned by the editorial staff of Gomet ‘, the regional prefect Christophe Mirmand imagines ” a new access to the sea, a renewed access for the inhabitants of the northern districts “. A way for the inhabitants, for the citizen actors », To reclaim the coast with open spaces – as in La Joliette. ” This could be the case tomorrow on the Estaque side as well », The prefect slips in, citing the name of« Grand Estaque »to qualify this next project. Christophe Mirmand does not comment on the scope of the work, nor its cost, nor the timetable. ” We’re working on it “, Tempers the prefect. ” The actors have to sit around the table “. In particular, the Metropolis, the City, the Port and the economic world.

Quai de la Lava, pollution: the port consults the inhabitants of the eastern basinsQuai de la Lava, pollution: the port consults the inhabitants of the eastern basins
Quai de la Lava, eastern basins (Credit: DR)

The City-Port card is “still up to date”

Hervé Martel believes that the City-Port Charter, a strategic document signed in June 2013 by all the actors involved (Region, Department, Metropolis, GPMM, City, State, CCIAMP and Euroméditerranée), is ” an updated consultation system “. But this long-term vision must include citizens.” The will of the port is to rebuild ties, to open up to the city (…) to make the Marseillais proud of their port “, Adds the chairman of the board of directors. A way for the public establishment to share an often overlooked landscape and port history with as many people as possible. And to encourage local residents to accept large industrial maneuvers.

The editorial staff of Gomet ‘took part in a guided tour of the eastern docks of the commercial port, in Marseille (credit: Rémi Liogier)

Alongside Hervé Martel, the Marseille deputy in charge of the economy, Laurent Lhardit, ” share the diagnosis by the port president on city-port relations. The elected official congratulates this first step towards Marseille and is ready to continue the opening strategy started. Speaking of guided walks, he also asks that in the future, ” city ​​schoolchildren have the opportunity to visit the commercial port at least once during their schooling “. Enough to offer young people the opportunity to appropriate the history of the commercial port, and to understand the main economic problems. The opportunity, perhaps, also to create vocations.

Useful links :

> The State chooses Fos-sur-Mer and Port-La Nouvelle for floating wind farms
> The many logistical challenges of the Port of Marseille by 2020-2040

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