Again reduced to ten fairly quickly, the Toulonnais knew how to strip themselves to seek a totally logical success. The match clicks that everyone has been waiting for since August.

Third match in 8 days for Poinsignon’s men who, like in Hyères, are off to a great start. The pressing is well organized and Jura Sud can’t get out of its 30 meters. As often it is Bilel El Hamzaoui who leads the way with an excellent overflow followed by a center back for Diallo but the young striker does not support his flat foot enough (11e). Identical scenario a few seconds later except that this time El Hamzaoui is looking for Sao full axis at the entrance to the area whose throw-in puts Diallo in an ideal position and this time Sadio does not tremble and scores at close range 1-0 ( 12e). Logic. The Azur and Or do not relax their embrace. In the middle, Moulet is exceptionally active, just like Gomez and Tertereau. At the forefront, Diallo does a titanic job. Sporting masters with a well-adjusted free kick from El Hamzaoui that the opposing goalkeeper pushes back well (33e). And like facing Aubagne, everything falls apart in a few minutes. When Baba Toure makes an inaccurate foul on an opposing striker. The referee blows the whistle for a penalty and expels the Toulon defender. Ultra severe.

Opportunistic mussel

New disaster scenario because Jura Sud equalizes instantly 1-1 (38e) and will play on the power play for 60 minutes. Except that Ouasfane’s teammates are not falling apart. Each player gives their all. Jura Sud can’t do it. Yet the hard knocks are linked with exits on injury Gomez and Dilo. Suddenly Andreani is making a comeback to the delight of a Bon Rencontre stadium in tune. And the goalkeeper stands out by repelling a direct corner brilliantly (62e). Shortly after, following a cross “in the box” Diallo in combat forced the defense of Jura Sud to scramble and it was Moulet who scored against the empty goal 2-1 (66e). An award for the best player on the lawn. From then on, Jura Sud will grow but the Ouasfane-Labor axis will prove to be imperial. Just like an exceptional Diop on the right while El Hamzaoui is a monstrous player on the left. The whole team is to be congratulated and in particular a Sadio Diallo often criticized but who Saturday evening was omnipresent in peak. Without forgetting Tertereau or Sao, precious to keep the ball. In short, a collective success. Congratulations to the Azur et Or who were a pleasure to see.