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hero of the Porto epic, “a crazy thing”, Xavier Lerat finds Wimereux

While Stade Portelois remains uncertain of a possible late draft in N3, there is at least one member of the epic in the Coupe de France, who is fixed on his future. As early as January, Xavier Lerat had warned his managers that he could no longer extend the pleasure for lack of time and that he would head for leisure football, at his home in Wimereux, in D2, a fall of five divisions!

His presence in an N3 squad was already a real miracle because for a year now, “Booloo”, his nickname for life, a golden guy very appreciated in the locker room, has not a minute left. “I am a fishmonger in Valenciennes, from Tuesday evening to Saturday, it is really complicated to go back and forth to train. I had the opportunity a year ago to buy the fish shop there, there was already a clientele. With the crisis, I had to close 3-4 weeks, but I do the markets and now that we have resumed for a month, it is madness. “

So you had to get used to it: turning the page on football at a high regional level and the destination only surprised the youngest. ” This is my city, I already played in Wimereux until I was 20, I had to sign at Le Portel around 16-17 years old, but I never went there and I only left when I was 20, at l’Aiglon, then a long time in Neufchâtel with Dominique Ledez, then Le Portel. “A Ledez (no coincidence) that he will find in Wimereux with some comrades from Neufchâtel for a fun project but, we are not doing it again, with some ambitions too. “It’s a club that deserves to be in the League (two divisions above), there’s always a lot of supporters, it’s pretty well followed. I would have liked to bring Théo Delpierre du Portel with me, he’s the only Wimereusian there, but hey, he’s still young, he can play higher (smile). “

The year promises to be pretty nice for the band at Booloo if the health situation does not spoil everything. Wimereux celebrates its 100th anniversary “with a gala match against the Varieties Club de France in the spring “And it’s also … the return of derby against Wimille, relegated from D1, “It’s going to be hot,” he laughs.

The epic of the Coupe de France in Brussels until it crossed the road of a Ligue 1, in January 2020, in Calais, remains the greatest memory of his career. PHOTO MARC DEMEURE – VDNPQR


Best field memory? ”
This year is the match in Calais against Strasbourg, a Ligue 1 Cup, it happens that once in our life at our level, I returned around the 75th minute (at the 78th exactly). It was a crazy thing, the whole family was there, all the friends. “

Competition. ”
At the start, it was very complicated to play, Bultel and Hallé made their scales in big clubs (Boulogne in this case), I arrived in the League at 21, I am more a man of locker room, I like to laugh, I am not the type to make the head if I do not play, I always take the positive. “

Best memory off the field? “The climb to N3 last year was the best party, I hadn’t played at Loon-Plage, but it was the party in the locker room, it was magnificent, it ended around 4-5 hours in the morning, it was not bad with “sacred” like Maxime Filliette or Raphaël Flahaut. “

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