Home » today » World » Hero of Russia Klupov said that Moscow is preparing a powerful offensive in Ukraine – 2024-08-21 03:41:36

Hero of Russia Klupov said that Moscow is preparing a powerful offensive in Ukraine – 2024-08-21 03:41:36

/ world today news/ The failure of the promised Ukrainian counteroffensive is already clear to everyone. Kiev is making only feeble attempts to imitate offensive activity in a number of areas and is suffering heavy losses. However, a number of experts predict that a dangerous situation is currently developing for us in the SVO zone: after realizing the military failure, the armed forces of Ukraine will begin to build their own fortification lines like ours and go into dead defense. The conflict will become protracted, which will be extremely profitable for the West.

The possibility of a similar development of events in the SVO zone was analyzed for the Moscow Komsomol by the veteran of military intelligence, Hero of Russia Colonel Rustem Klupov.

Even now, as military analysts note, there are prerequisites for the armed forces of Ukraine to go on the defensive after an unsuccessful offensive. They will lie down in the trenches and begin to hit our Russian cities with long-range missiles that the West will provide.

Britain was the first to deliver Storm Shadow missiles to Kiev in May this year, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 250 km. On July 11, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the transfer of SCALP missiles with the same range to Ukraine.

The US is considering sending its ATACMS operational-tactical missiles with a range of 300 km to Kiev. So far, only Berlin has offered little resistance, refusing to transfer long-range Taurus missiles with a range of 500 km to the Ukrainian armed forces.

But there can hardly be any doubt: if an order is issued from Washington, Berlin will answer with “Yes!”. In addition, the carriers of these missiles can be F-16 fighters, which have already been promised to Kiev.

Is it possible to hope that the events in the SVO zone will not develop according to the scenario desired by the West, acquiring the character of a prolonged conflict and positional battles, with the use of long-range weapons?

– The general goal of the SVO has not been canceled – says the Hero of Russia Rustem Klupov – it is the protection of the population of the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics, and now also of the annexed territories. This goal is achieved through denazification and demilitarization.

Ukraine itself has already ceased to be a country capable of independently producing serious weapons. And this is one of the elements of its demilitarization.

– But this is offset by the supply of Western weapons.

– Today they are there, but tomorrow they may not be. The summit in Vilnius, on the one hand, showed us that there is no agreement in the NATO countries.

On the other hand, the fact that the production of only 4,000 shells per month by all countries of the alliance is not at all the indicator that leads to the militarization of Ukraine. They are no longer able to meet Ukraine’s needs for the necessary weapons.

Western countries are forced to expand the range and range of ammunition supplies. But they cannot give the armed forces what they need directly on the battlefield.

And they need infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks, artillery guns. And not capricious Western ones, but the most unpretentious and simple, like our Soviet systems.

– However, with these “capricious” Western weapons, they are still advancing, and we with our reliable ones continue to defend ourselves. And in defense, as you know, you can’t win.

– Any defense is first and foremost the creation of favorable conditions for going on the offensive. By all circumstantial indications, a situation is now emerging in which our troops in a number of sectors must be held back so as not to go on the offensive alone, since our general, global offensive, as I understand it, is not yet fully ready.

Reserves at the tactical level, we may not have enough now. Too much effort and money was spent to stop the Ukrainian offensive. Now we need to gain strength.

We need to complete all the training of the tank crews and the infantry of the newly formed units of the compounds. They all have to go to the starting areas…

Ukraine is putting its last operational-strategic reserves into battle. She has already wasted the 10th Army Corps. From the 9th Army Corps, at least three of the six brigades she had already sent into battle.

Of the stormtroopers that were trained on the basis of the nationalist battalions (and there were 8 nationalist brigades), Kiev definitely put two into battle.

The Ukrainian side understands that the more it now spends its operational-strategic reserves in the offensive, the more difficult it will be for it to contain our offensive.

Very often the genius of the commander lies in stopping the offensive in time and going on the defensive to repulse counter-attacks or counter-offensives of the enemy. And when they are reflected, there is the question of our own offensive. Therefore, we are waiting for our powerful counterattacks.

In some directions – Kupyansk, Soledar, near Avdeevka – there are outlines of such positive moments, where our troops are already “hitting their hooves” and rushing forward. But they are still detained.

– Some experts say that we have enough forces for defense, but they are not for the offensive. There just aren’t enough numbers.

– Listen, it’s all stuffing. We have a completely different information policy than Ukraine. If Kiev promoted its actions in the “counterattack”, trying to demonstrate its power to the whole world, then we act in a completely different way.

There was one such Chinese philosopher and military strategist, Sun Tzu, who said: if you are strong, show the enemy that you are weak. If you’re weak, show him you’re strong.

Here, Ukraine tried to show itself too strong. They shouted that now they will enter Crimea, restore the borders of 1991 … And what happened? It doesn’t matter.

– We do not demonstrate our reserves. But, if you recall, in a meeting with military commanders, the president said that as of January 2023, the Department of Defense has recruited 156,000 contract and volunteer military personnel. Where do you think all those people went?

– It is clear that everyone is being trained. Just yesterday they showed how Minister Shoigu inspected factories where military equipment is produced. Next comes the training ground where reserves are being prepared. Draw your conclusions.

You’d have to be a very short-sighted person to scatter all these possibilities we have without gathering them into one mighty fist. It is better to hide it without showing it and prepare for a strong blow.

Translation: SM

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