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Heritage: which sites in Montluçon (Allier) will benefit from work in the near future?

Between the old castle, the medieval city, the Saint Paul church, the castle of Louvière, the city of Montluçon has a rich architectural heritage which extends over a wide period.

However, this beautiful cultural and tourist asset requires regular maintenance at a constant cost. Frédéric Laporte takes stock of the work to come.

The sacristy of the restored Saint-Paul church

Saint-Paul Church is one of three churches in France to have a metallic structure.

Much younger than the Romanesque buildings of Saint-Pierre and Notre Dame, the Saint-Paul church, completed in 1869, nonetheless requires regular work. Especially since the building, with its very particular structure, is currently suffering very severe infiltration problems. The works, evaluated at 376.000 euros, will mainly concern the sacristy.

It is urgent because these infiltration problems are worrying. The Saint-Paul church is a symbol of the industrial heritage and the history of Montluçon. It is one of the three churches which have a frame but also metal posts

Frédéric Laporte (mayor of Montluçon)

The Saint-Paul church, listed as a historical monument since 1987, is indeed a treasure of Montluçonnais industrial know-how in the heart of the Ville-Gozet district. The entire metal structure (in iron and cast iron) of this Gothic-style church was made by blast furnace factories and Saint-Jacques.

Renovation work estimated at 376,000 euros for the Saint-Paul church in Montluçon (Allier)

The covered enclosure of the Château de la Louvière will be redone

The roofs, terraces and balustrades of the Château de la Louvière will be redone.

Built by the industrialist François-Joseph Troubat from 1926 to 1953, the Château de la Louvière and its park have also been listed as historical monuments since 1994. This atypical castle, largely inspired by the Petit Trianon of Versailles, suffers like the Saint-Paul church from infiltrations.

The restoration of the covered enclosure will start this summer. The works, which amount to 465,000 euros including tax, should last a year.

Parts must also be redone inside but it is essential to put the tower out of water before starting anything.

In addition to the work, the municipality is considering the use it could be of the Louvière site outside of the visit. “We could offer concerts there. We are going to work on what is essential, to discover Louvière and mix audiences. “

The Château de la Louvière, in Montluçon, an unsuspected and fascinating place

Projects to be defined for the old castle and the medieval city

In-depth work will be launched on the castle and its esplanade.

For this emblematic site in terms of history, culture and tourism, the city of Montluçon will begin substantive work with an architectural and cultural program. The objective is to work on the attractiveness of the city in order to develop tourist and commercial activities.

We want to obtain the City of Art and History label. This would allow us to have a real national referencing. We want to have tourists who are not just passing through but stay at least two days. We have all the parts, we must now assemble them to have an attractive tourist product. The medieval city is a major asset for the city

Frédéric Laporte (mayor of Montluçon)

The project will have to focus on the castle so that it becomes “A real tool of culture and history” but also on the esplanade. “Today the mineral part is too important. It must be made a multi-activity site, a place of leisure and relaxation, with concerts more suited to the site. We must also work on its accessibility to people with reduced mobility. “

The town hall wants to think about a project to improve the esplanade of the old castle.

This project is long-term because once it is determined, Frédéric Laporte estimates the duration work between two and four years.

We want to obtain the City of Art and History label. This would allow us to have a real national referencing. We want to have tourists who are not just passing through but stay at least two days. We have all the parts, we must now assemble them to have an attractive tourist product. The medieval city is a major asset for the city

Why has Montluçon Community (Allier) created a local commission for the Remarkable Heritage Site?

A long-term reflection for the Town Hall

The town hall is also considering a project “in the long term”, as the mayor specifies, for the Town hall, place Jean-Jaurès. Frédéric Laporte would like restore the conference hall to its former glory by making the glass roof visible again.

“There are things to highlight in Town Hall. It must be made a place open to the population. The mayor, however, points to a problem. The town hall houses services that will have to be relocated before any work is carried out. It is therefore necessary in the preamble to find them a new site.

The restoration of the painting and the altarpiece of the Notre-Dame church has been completed in Montluçon (Allier): discover them in pictures

Public subscription for Notre Dame church.
The city of Montluçon and the Heritage Foundation are already beginning the fourth and final phase of restoration work on the altarpiece of the Notre-Dame church. It is a question of restoring the woodwork and the gilding of the tabernacle and the steps, safeguarded and sanitized but not at the same level as the rest of the tabernacle. We must consolidate the joinery, restore the missing sculptures and resume all the gilding with gold leaf.
A public subscription is in progress on fondation-patrimoine.org/les-projets/retable-de-lassomption-eglise-nd-montlucon.

Florence Farina: text
Florian Salesse and Cécile Champagnat: pictures

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