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here’s where it’s best to invest your money

Is it better to invest your savings in postal savings bonds or deposit accounts? Let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

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Starting from nutrition, up to the various daily needs, there are so many times in which we find ourselves having to put our wallet. A clear demonstration of how i money they do not bring happiness, but they undoubtedly contribute to solving a lot of problems. It is therefore not surprising that in a particularly complicated historical moment like the present one, due to the crisis due to the impact of the coronavirus, there are many who turn a special attention to the world of savings.

More and more money is standing still on the current account, with the banks trying to run for cover, finding alternative solutions, with the clear purpose of encouraging its customers to invest. Precisely in this context, many are looking for alternative forms of investment, such as i postal savings bonds oi deposit accounts. But where is it better to invest? So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

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Interest-bearing bonds or deposit accounts, how to invest and make your money bear fruit: what you need to know


More and more people decide to put their money aside, in order to have a sum of money available in case of need. On the other hand, let your own grow savings account does not always prove to be the right choice and for this reason it is good to know that it is possible to make money by investing, for example, in postal savings bonds or deposit accounts. In this regard, it is good to know these two types of payment instruments, in order to make the right choice according to your needs. Going into the details:

  • Postal savings bonds. The type of coupon that can guarantee the highest return, in the long term, is that 4×4. Guaranteed by the Italian State, it is possible to request a refund, always at 100%, at any time during its 16 years of life. It is possible to subscribe from 50 euros and related multiples and has a reduced taxation of 12.50%, in addition to stamp duty. Interest is recognized at the end of each four-year period and in order to obtain the maximum yield, one must wait until the end of the sixteenth year. The actual gross annual returns, in fact, are equal to:
    • 0.20%, or 0.175% net, at the end of the fourth year;
    • 0.30%, or 0.262% net, at the end of the eighth year;
    • 0.40%, or 0.35% net, at the end of the twelfth year;
    • 0.75%, or 0.656% net, at the end of the sixteenth year
  • Deposit account. As for deposit accounts, one of the best at the moment is the Comfort Deposit of the Private Leasing Bank. The latter, in fact, offers a gross interest rate of up to 3% and is tied to 48 months with a gross annual rate of up to 3%. Another valid proposal is represented by the Illimity escrow account, which proposes a gross rate of 1.75%, equal to 1.30% net, after 60 months. In order to invest in this deposit account, as announced by Illimity Bank, you must first open the current account with the institution in question.

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At this point we have seen together which are the best postal savings bonds and deposit accounts currently available. All you have to do is dwell on the respective characteristics and invest on the option that best suits your needs.

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