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here’s what you need to worry about

What happens if our bank account has been foreclosed? Solutions for this problem and for the allocation of social housing.

Foreclosed account (web)

A few errors of evaluation are enough to be reduced to having to pay debts. However, if these become heavier and heavier, it is even possible to run into a foreclosed checking account. And in this case, it’s difficult to have one where you can get your salary credited if you don’t know what to do next. When it comes to accounts, the trap is always around the corner, for example wire transfers to children that could cost you dearly. And that’s why it’s best to know the solutions.

Another common hitch is that of public housing. Here, however, the difficulties are mainly related to the possible death of a spouse, but even here over the years taxpayers have had many difficulties, because they did not know the exact procedures. Let’s go in order.

What can I do if the current account is foreclosed

We assume that having one foreclosed it does not mean not being able to open a new account current. But two unpleasant things can also happen: the bank denies this possibility, or the creditors extend their foreclosure on the new account. If you open a current account in a different credit institution, however, all this does not happen. Of course, unless the creditors are informed and then they can go to affect the same, the new account.

In this case, a clarification must necessarily be made: if there were sums on the account before the notification of the attachment, the creditors can attach the part that exceeds three times the social allowance. So to understand what it is, it is necessary to multiply the social allowance by three. In 2021, that sum was 459.83 euros.

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All sums in excess of the total sum of 1379.49 euros, they are absolutely foreclosable. Different speech if the salary refers to payslips credited to the account after notification of the attachment deed. In that case, only one fifth of the salary is foreclosure. On social housing, on the other hand, there is a solution to everything. If the spouse who had the housing concession dies, the contract will pass directly to the cohabitant. However, this happens only in one case and that is that the deceased is already in the family nucleus of the person who remains alive and moreover, that the granting body issues a provision of positive recognition after the appropriate checks.

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