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here’s what to do now – Libero Quotidiano

In case you went to pick up and the counter of the ATM had not paid the requested amount but had still debited the amount on the current account, here’s how to run for cover. First of all, don’t panic, there is a solution. It is not so unlikely that you will come across such a situation. If this inconsistency has occurred, you are faced with several options.

No alarmism, if you follow a few precise rules you can get your money back. In the event that the error is caused by the bank, the latter will refund the amount due. No attempt of fraud therefore, probably some flaw in the system has been incurred. In this case, it is necessary to contact the branch of the bank where the mistake was made as soon as possible, taking with you the receipt issued by the counter.

And if it happens abroad how can you be compensated? Also in this case there is a solution and it is very simple. You just need to remember one fundamental detail. If you find yourself outside of Italy, remember not to throw away the receipt of the withdrawal. It is important to do this because if the bank responds negatively to your complaint, you will have the evidence to challenge it.

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