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Here’s what prompted Mike Pence to derail Donald Trump’s plans after the presidential election

The former vice president of the United States was present at the University of Iowa for an event where he answered questions from several students. In the assembly, a youngster asked the Columbus native why he had not followed the plans of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, to try to invalidate the results of the last American presidential elections . Laconic, the former vice-president simply replied: “James Madison”.

Mike Pence would therefore have referred to the story of this Founding Father of the United States and former president when he made the decision to record the results of the elections on January 6, when he presided over Congress. CNN explains that Pence also quoted the Bible, saying: “Psalm 15 says to keep your oath even when it hurts.”

This loyal support of Donald Trump until January 6, the day when rioters invaded the Capitol and personally searched for him in the building, recalled that he had written to Congress to share his concerns about the vote in certain states. from the country. “I continue to share these concerns and support efforts in states to improve voter integrity, as has been done in places like Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere.”, Pence said. No evidence of widespread electoral fraud in any state during the 2020 election could be demonstrated.

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