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here’s what it is, mystery revealed on TikTok- Corriere.it

Perch Clare Ferragni does he have a white patch on his left arm?
Thousands of the millions (28) of followers have asked themselves this question.

The influencer-entrepreneur has been appearing on social media for two weeks with this small bandage that has aroused the curiosity of her audience. The hypotheses have started. Some have thought that a new tattoo was hidden underneath, others a new fashion, still others thought of a contraceptive method.

On Sunday evening, he decided to respond with a video shared on TikTok. Ferragni, on holiday in Sankt Moritz with her husband Fedez and their two children Leone and Vittoria, explained that she underwent a small operation two weeks ago for theremoval of a mole. But that he didn’t talk about it earlier to wait for the histological result which turned out to be negative.

About two weeks ago, he removed a mole that had changed color over the last few months and could turn into a mole over time. skin cancer. Once every 6 months I have moles examined because I am unfortunately familiar with melanomas, so I check them very often, she explained. The removal of the mole in this case took place as a precaution: This mole on the arm, compared to six months ago, had slightly changed in color, so it was better to remove it as a precaution. Luckily, the histological result arrived and everything was ok, concluded the entrepreneur, underlining the importance of submitting to the mapping of moles and not putting it off.

When he talks about familiarity Ferragni is also referring to sister Valentina, who in November 2021 He had a Basal cell carcinomaa malignant tumor of the skin. Unfortunately it was not a cyst, but a basal cell carcinoma, a malignant tumor localized in a specific area, not the most dangerous for health, but for the skin, Valentina Ferragni had told her followers, drawing attention to prevention.


December 12, 2022 (change December 12, 2022 | 10:34)

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