Region (lea) – Undetected, the tick crawls down the trouser leg until it reaches the socks. There she goes under to look for a suitable stitching place. Ticks are particularly common in spring. They can be found almost everywhere in nature – especially in Baden-Württemberg. Because here the climatic conditions are perfect for the small parasites. You usually don’t feel a tick bite. If it is not recognized for a long time, the risk of infection increases. Because ticks can be affected by pathogens, which they smuggle into the host via their stinging apparatus while sucking blood. With the right clothing and a few tips and tricks, you are still not at the mercy of the arachnid.
Symbolic picture: Pfizer /
Temperature and humidity must be right
The tick is active from a temperature of eight degrees. “But an increased occurrence of ticks can only be expected if a minimum temperature of ten degrees is reached on several consecutive days,” explains Annette Leinberger. The graduate biologist works in the Karlsruhe health department. She knows all about the parasitic arachnids.
Humidity is another factor that favors the emergence of ticks: “Ticks need a humidity of around 80 percent,” says Leinberger, adding: “Now in spring – at least when there are warm periods – this is optimal for the animals .” Autumn also offers good conditions for tick reproduction.
Southern Germany is a tick region
The common wood tick and the Auwald tick are the most widespread in Germany. In southern Germany, the bloodsuckers populate large parts of the region. The crawling arachnids prefer to live outdoors: forest edges, gardens and high grass offer good living conditions. Most ticks sit at a height of 30 to 60 centimeters above the ground.
The host animals they meet there often use them as “stowaways”. Instead of walking long distances, ticks are carried by mice, birds or deer. This is the only way they can spread over large areas. Because the tick is not a long-distance runner.
Little vampire looking for food
The tick needs blood meals to develop. In order to get her blood ration, she waits for an adequate host. If a person, bird or deer touches a blade of grass inhabited by a tick, the animal climbs onto the passer-by. Contrary to popular belief, ticks cannot jump, nor do they drop from trees. Once the tick has chosen its host, it begins to search for a suitable bite site.
The little vampire takes his time: The walk over the body of the host can take up to an hour. Then comes the stitch. The choice of the sting site – it is not a bite site – decides on the survival of the animal. Because if the place is not sufficiently protected, the host could tear them out or bite them before they start their blood meal.
A tick bite can be dangerous
You usually don’t feel a tick bite. If it is not recognized for a long time, the risk of infection increases. Because ticks can be affected by pathogens, which they smuggle into the host via their stinging apparatus while sucking blood. The list of pathogens that can transmit the parasites is long. The best known and most dangerous are Lyme disease and TBE.
Lyme disease is caused by bacteria. In addition to the nervous system, they can also attack and damage joints or organs. If the Borrelia have plenty of time to spread, they cause irreparable damage to the host’s body. It is estimated that 10,000 to 30,000 people in Germany contract Lyme disease every year. Since this disease is not notifiable in all federal states, there are only estimates.
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) not only sounds complicated, but can also be fatal. The disease caused by a virus can lead to inflammation of the meninges, brain or spinal cord. Alarmingly, the disease seems to be spreading nationwide. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 546 people contracted TBE last year. That is 30 percent more than in the previous year.
This is how you protect yourself properly
Ticks mainly live in the grass. “So the first protective measure would be simply not to be there as a person,” says Leinberger. Choose paved paths instead of the beaten path in the forest, do not sit on tree stumps or in the grass. “The second is to dress properly. So long-sleeved tops, long pants and sturdy shoes. It is advisable to tuck the pant legs into the socks.” Because if the whole body is covered with clothing, the tick cannot attach itself anywhere. The expert also recommends light-colored clothing: “This way, the dark animal can be quickly identified and removed.”
Thoroughly checking the body after spending time in nature is recommended as a further measure. Whether it’s the back of the knee or the navel – the arachnid doesn’t want to be found. So look above all where you would never have expected it. Insect repellents can also help protect against annoying parasites. There is no vaccination against Lyme disease. But a TBE disease can be prevented by a small “poke”. This is recommended by the Standing Vaccination Committee (STIKO) if the person concerned lives or is staying in a TBE risk area. If you have any questions, please contact your family doctor or paediatrician.
remove ticks – but correct!
A tick must be removed as soon as possible after detection. This reduces the risk of infection. Tweezers or a special tick card can help remove it. The removal instrument is placed as close to the skin as possible. So exactly where the tick has dug its mouthparts into the tissue. If everything is correct, the parasite can then be eliminated straight and without turning. The RKI then recommends careful disinfection of the resulting wound.
After a tick bite, attention is also required: does a red ring form around the bite? This could be a first indication of the onset of Lyme disease. In this case, a doctor should be consulted. The same applies to symptoms such as fever or aching limbs up to 14 days after a tick bite.