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here’s how to fix the slow connection problem

Small tips to solve big and less problems. Vodafone, like other operators, has guidelines to remedy the missing network.

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Slow internet connection is one of the worst woes these days. And not only at home, where many workers (despite the partial reopening) still continue with their smartworking, but also and above all outside, where the network accompanies us practically at all times. The telephone companies know this well and, for this reason, they have laid down very specific guidelines to explain to their customers what to do in case the network “down” continues indefinitely. Vodafone is among them.

The provider has released a guide to explain to its users how to act and, in some cases, try to restore the connection directly. Among the solutions indicated by Vodafone, also some steps that may allow troubleshooting mobile network irregularities, such as verifying mobile data or Apn settings, so that they are configured correctly. Similarly, the activation of data roaming, if you are in a point that requires it.

Vodafone down, the guidelines to restore the connection

Beyond these small adjustments, Vodafone also emphasizes the most pressing issues, such as the resolution of the most important problems of the network. Also because the poor connection can derive from various unexpected events, from the simplest (a site with high web traffic) to the most serious. And the resolutions can also be similar: it will be enough to move a little to recover the net or to encounter further difficulties. For example, if you are unsuccessfully sending a message with an attachment, you may just need to make sure your device is configured correctly. Or that the memory is simply not full.

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Another problem, the case in which the device is connected with the so-called “five notches” but still does not connect. In this case, a lot depends on the device you use. Some phones, in fact, they handle more powerful coverage, so their two notches are equivalent to the three of another device. In this case it is good to inquire directly with the operator: the coverage bars are not always valid as an “official” indicator.

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