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Here’s how the sting on the expired car tax is triggered

Until the last day of the month following that of registration of the car. this is the useful period for the payment of the car tax, one of the least loved “taxes” by Italians but which you cannot do without if you have a car. Thus every year, in different periods, Italian motorists through different payment methods (online, bank and post office branches, by going to tobacconists, car practice agencies or to the various delegations ACI present in the area) make the payment for their car.

Sometimes, however, the deadline escapes and if this forgetfulness is not remedied in a certain period of time, there is a risk of incurring heavy fines and even penalties.

Let’s see in detail what it is

What is the car tax

It is a regional tax that incorporates the automobile tax (i.e. for vehicle ownership) and that of circulation (i.e. to be able to circulate).

payment must be made by the last day of the month following the expiration date; so if this falls on March 31, 2022, the stamp duty must be paid by April 30, 2022.

As regards the first stamp, the terms fall in the months of April, August and December with the obligation to pay the tax in the months of May, September and January.

Late payment of the car tax

If the road tax is not paid within the deadline indicated above, the owner of the car will have to pay the interest on arrears (with an annual percentage of 0.3%) and the related penalties. In this way we proceed with what is defined as “active repentance”; specifically, the delay involves:

  • a penalty equal to 0.1% of the total cost of the stamp for each day of delay if this is more than 14 days
  • 1.5% if the delay is between the fifteenth and the thirtieth day from the natural expiry of the stamp
  • 1.67% if the payment is made between 30 and 90 days late
  • 3.75% in the event of a delay of more than 90 days and within one year

After 365 days it will no longer be possible to take advantage of the active repentance and, in that case, the penalty for non-payment will be a 30% increase in the amount due in addition to an interest of 0.5% for each semester of delay in payment. .

If the car tax is not paid for 3 consecutive years it can even trigger the cancellation of the vehicle of the PRA (Public Automobile Register) making it impossible to circulate the vehicle except in the case in which you proceed with a new registration as well as, logically, the balance with default of unpaid stamps.

Visit the ACI software it also counts any penalties and interest.

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