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Here’s how the cat could cure us of 7 diseases

After reading this article, we will also want a cat at home to keep us company. Meanwhile, some studies have finally revealed how cats can heal us from 7 diseases. Where does this power come from?

According to Center of Desease Control and Prevention in the USA, having a cat in the house offers unexpected benefits. Cats have the power to heal us through that typical gesture of tenderness, which is the purr.

The expression “purr” derives from the similarity of sound, with what the old spindle did when it spun wool. Today, it is thought that this rumbling results from the rapid succession of the muscles of the larynx, with a frequency of 30 times per second. And in all this work, the cat keeps its mouth closed.

Effects of purring on human health

What causes positive effects on our health are the vibrations of the purr that the cat emits between 20 and 140Hz. There are several benefits that man can derive from these vibrations.

Here’s how the cat can heal us from 7 diseases

a) It’s good for your bones. An old English saying also said it: “Put a purring cat and a handful of broken bones and you will see that the bones will heal!”. The low purr frequencies would facilitate the recomposition of broken bones and alleviate the pain.

b) The same thing could happen with regard to inflammation of muscles and tendons.

c) Prevents heart attack. In fact, according to the aforementioned study it would seem that people who have a cat at home reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%.

d) Antistress. Purring helps us relax and ward off the consequences of stress. This is because the purr frequencies are those that are also used in classical music, generally relaxing music.

e) Against insomnia. According to studies by French doctor Gauchet, cat rumbling stimulates the brain, which produces serotonin, the happiness hormone, which has positive effects on sleep.

f) Against anxiety attacks. This rumbling helps people with Alzheimer’s disease to prevent the anxiety attacks they are prone to.

g) Against dyspnea. Cats can reduce wheezing, the feeling of being unable to breathe, with their purring

They are amazing i benefits that we can receive from the affectionate purr of our cat.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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