Home » Health » Here you can get vaccinated against the flu if you don’t have IMSS or ISSSTE in CDMX – El Financiero

Here you can get vaccinated against the flu if you don’t have IMSS or ISSSTE in CDMX – El Financiero

As every year, the country’s health authorities begin flu vaccination campaigns in the cold season.

The biological apply it health units of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE).

However, If you are not a beneficiary of any of these institutions You can also get vaccinated at these sites:

  • Medical units of the health secretariats, i.e. the Health Centre.
  • Medical units of the National Defense and the Navy.
  • 206 permanent positions and 976 permanent positions in the markets and squares.
  • One thousand 188 brigades that will visit the houses of some neighborhoods.

Who should get the flu shot?

It is indicated that all people should wear the biologicalin order to prevent the contagion of the disease, which although it is a mild cold, can present complications in some groups of the population.

The health authorities indicate that priority must be given to these segments of the population:

  • People over 60 years old.
  • People with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, COPD, asthma, cancer or those living with HIV.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Children under 5 years old.
  • Healthcare personnel.

Vaccine vs. Influenza: This RNA biologist would fight 20 variants of the virus

A experimental RNA vaccine (similar material used by Pfizer and Moderna doses to prevent the effects from COVID-19) has been successfully implemented against at least 20 influence subtypeswhich opens the door to generation a universal biologist against the virus.

Research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine proved this the experimental vaccine had “a broad protection against otherwise lethal strains of influenza in the first tests.

The animal tests carried out by the university, published in the journal Sciencehas shown that the vaccine drastically reduced the signs of the diseasefurthermore protect against death from the flu.

The positive results of the vaccinations explain that the animals also had an immune response against affect strains what the investigation initially did not consider.

How does the universal flu vaccine work? influence?

This was explained by the Penn Medicine organization the new experimental RNA influenza vaccine it neither cures disease nor generates complete immunity to the virus, but rather offers”broad protection against flu strains which would otherwise be lethal in initial testing.”

When the vaccine is injected, the recipient cells absorb the fluid and produce copies of hemagglutinina key protein to fight all 20 flu subtypesfrom H1 to H18 as well as types A and B.

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