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Here it is, the winning shares in the Indonesian stock market

ILLUSTRATION. Security officers wore masks at the Jakarta Indonesia Stock Exchange on Thursday (3/26). The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) will shorten trading hours in the Alternative Market Operator System (SPPA), and shorten reporting time in Lapora Recipients

Reporter: Harris Hadinata | Editor: Harris Hadinata

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) again moved higher in the second quarter of this year. When calculated from the lowest level of the Jakarta Composite Index this year, the stock index has risen 24.54%.

The price of most shares on the stock exchange has also tended to rise again. In fact, quite a number of shares whose prices rose higher than the increase in the CSPI.

Of the KOMPAS100 index, which is an index of liquid stocks with strong fundamentals, there are 72 shares of this index member which recorded a price increase higher than the JCI performance.

The KOMPAS100 index alone rose 33.46% in the same period, better than the strengthening of the CSPI. Compared to this realization, there were 58 members of the KOMPAS100 index who scored higher price increases.

PT Barito Pacific Tbk (BRPT) became the issuer with the highest price increase in the period. The share price of the Pangestu family owned company rose 152.19%.

In second place is PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT). In the same period, ISAT’s share price rose 103.33%.

In the next position are PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI), PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS) and PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL). Each scored 97.52%, 96.85% and 96.55% price increases.

The following 20 shares of the KOMPAS100 index member with the highest price increase in the first semester JCI rebound period:

Emit Code Price Increase
PT Barito Pacific Tbk BRPT 152,19%
PT Indosat Tbk ONE 103,33%
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk AALI 97,52%
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk PGAS 96,85%
PT XL Axiata Tbk EXCL 96,55%
PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk SMCB 96,52%
PT PP Tbk PTPP 90,54%
PT Jasa Marga Tbk JSMR 88,73%
PT Waskita Karya Tbk WSKT 81,78%
PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk WSBP 79,74%
PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk MAP 77,93%
PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk INKP 77,42%
PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk GIAA 77,33%
PT Wijaya Karya Tbk WIKA 76,39%
PT Semen Baturaja Tbk SMBR 76,27%
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk INCO 75,08%
PT Kalbe Farma Tbk KLBF 69,45%
PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk TELE 68,06%
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk ANTM 66,98%
PT Timah Tbk TINS 66,20%

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