After revealing the arrival of Kabir Bedi in the House of the GF VIP 6, an indiscretion has just been launched on another possible Vippone. Dogospia she revealed that she would be ready to join the cast Eva grimaldi. The actress would thus take the place of Vera Gemma, which should have been the next competitor:
The extension of the reality show is well known and new names are needed to carry on the shack successfully led by Alfonso Signorini. On the table there continue to be several VIPs, continuous negotiations: one has however run aground. He will never enter the house again Vera Gemma, jumped in extremis. Who will take his place? A name that Dagospia unveils a preview: except for twists and turns in the most spied on house in Italy, the showgirl will arrive Eva grimaldi.
After Giulio Raselli, Weather in Giulia Cavaglià e Ferdinando Giordano, thus skip the entry into Home of another character. Again, the reasons why are not clear Vera Gemma will have to give up experience in the program Alfonso Signorini. In the course of the next episodes we will find out if the new competitors will really be Kabir e Eva or if, in these days, there will be other twists.