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Here is who will bring good luck to Jupiter in 2022 – Astro

  • December 29, 2021

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  • From December 29, 2021, Jupiter, the planet benefactor, enters the sign of Pisces, where he has the status of second ruler. Having a strong position, this transit brings a manifestation of many opportunities, broadening directions, new ideas, new levels of existing knowledge, optimism.

    In each sign of the Zodiac, the planet spends about a year. In 2022, Jupiter will enter the sign of Aries for several months – from May 11 to October 27, and then return to the sign of Pisces from October 28 to December 21. The lucky ones in 2022 will be those born under the signs of Aries and Pisces, but the details still depend on the personal horoscope.

    Annual horoscope for 2022 – this is what the stars promise

    Jupiter’s cycle is 12 years old and affects social realization and related processes. The previous transit of the planet to Pisces was in 2010 and if you can remember the events of that period, you will get an idea of ​​what to expect in 2022.

    No concrete realization can be seen in astrology – only tendencies. Vaccination will continue in full force, as Jupiter passes through the sign of Pisces – except during the summer, when it will temporarily enter the sign of Aries, and then return to the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the most mystical sign of the Zodiac – a sign of great fog, false, distorted information, something incomprehensible. Pisces is ruled by Neptune – this planet is responsible for drugs, chemicals, vaccines, all pharmacology. And while Jupiter is in Pisces, vaccination will be the number one vaccine in the world.

    In the period from January 1 to May 11, 2022 and from October 28 to December 21, Jupiter in Pisces favors the water signs: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, but also Taurus and Capricorn. The transit of the planet will bring great energy, excellent prospects, stability of representatives of these zodiac signs. During this period, the planet creates favorable circumstances, creates conditions when a person without special efforts or stress easily achieves its goals and everything is arranged properly. Jupiter in Pisces gives great creativity, frees the representatives of the listed signs from problems, gives confidence, shows the way to a happy future.

    The only problem is that laziness may increase among water signs, therefore, they may relax and not make full use of the favorable potential of this period. Getting the feeling that everything comes easily and there is no need to fight for anything or take the initiative.

    Weekly horoscope from December 27 to January 2

    For Pisces, the transit of Jupiter in their sign is a heavenly gift. During this time, they will have a very active emotional life and a high level of sensitivity. Their second manager endows them with special luck, happiness and ease, receiving all the benefits of life, chances, rewards them with the attention of other people, allowing energy to flow freely. In any case, the planetary influences of Jupiter support, assist in affairs and resolve legal issues. However, Pisces is a very idealistic sign, and when combined with Jupiter’s optimism, expectations can become so idealistic that they lead to disappointment. In addition, in the same sign is Neptune, which intensifies similar trends.

    Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will fall into the stream of luck from May 11 to October 27 and after December 20, 2022. Representatives of the element Fire (especially those born in the first ten days), unlike water signs, are ready to act decisively and take risks during their happy transit. People of fire signs can achieve great success. Gemini and Aquarius, especially those born in the first ten days, will also receive many favorable opportunities and chances during this period.


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