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Here is what these old postal books are worth: “unbelievable”

Although not among the most advanced tools from an economic and technological point of view, postal books continue to be widely used and exploited in our country. Technically, it is something not unlike a bank book or a postal interest-bearing voucher, but “less defined” as it does not present real “constraints” in terms of costs and use. Being equipped with an IBAN, it is enabled to receive bank transfers, therefore it is also suitable for receiving salary and pension, and can be managed independently (as regards the variant Smart) or through post offices.

Here’s what these old postal books are worth: “unbelievable”

Although it may seem strange, the postal books have some peculiarities that can “make money”. Being not dissimilar from a technical point of view to any form of similar “saving”, they are subject to a condition known as freezing, if not used for 10 years. This status, a kind of standby which anticipates the closing of the booklet itself. In fact, Poste Italiane does its utmost to notify the owner of the imminent closure (for 2022 the date “X” is now very close, being the next 21 June) in advance, with an appropriate communication. Each booklet considerable sleepy (which has a minimum balance of 100 euros) which will not have undergone any form of movement, will be subject to closure by the aforementioned date.

The money of the closed dormant postal passbooks is destined to a CONSAP fund as per prior agreements with the state (the passbooks are in fact managed by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and guaranteed by the Italian state), even if the holders can still “get back” the amounts originally present in your booklet following an official request.

The entire list of booklets in question has been made available by Poste Italiane and can be reached through THIS LINK, constantly updated. Some of these booklets still have a very important balance, so better take a look.

postal books

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