Home » today » Entertainment » Here is the popular first name in Brittany of Nolwenn Leroy’s son of which she is very proud

Here is the popular first name in Brittany of Nolwenn Leroy’s son of which she is very proud

Mother of a little boy aged 7, Nolwenn Leroy chose a rare, poetic and sweet first name for her son. Today, more and more parents love it!

The French singer-songwriter Nolwenn Leroy is in a relationship with the tennis player Arnaud Clément and thehappy mom of a 7 year old boy. Very attached to her Breton roots, she was expected to choose, for her son, a first name from her region. And yet, when it came time to give her a first name, the happy mother and her companion made a completely different choice by opting for a very rare and symbolic first name. The singer also explained why she chose this first name for her son born on July 12, 2017.

Nolwenn Leroy (42 years old): her son’s first name is very rare

A first name that stood out

The singer who has Brittany in the heart and who lives in a sunny region had confided in the subject of the first name of her 7-year-old son, revealing its origin. Nolwenn Leroy and Arnaud Clément are parents of a little boy whose name is Marin. Indeed, the choice of the first name was not easy for the maman who explains that initially, she wanted her child to have a Breton first name. Ultimately, it was Marin who stood out, because according to the singer, this first name carries within it all of Brittany and well beyond. For the singer, this first name chosen for her son is synonymous with everything that brings her back to the sea, because it is a source d’inspiration infinite.

The sea: a source of inspiration

Besides the maternityTHE bodies of water also inspired the singer in other areas, notably in her profession. Indeed, the sea whispered to him the idea of ​​working on The Title My beautiful corsair which we find in The Cavalehis latest album. Let us specify that in the song, she collaborates with Benjamin Biolay, the singer who opened up about his addiction to alcohol. In this song, the singer evokes all these fears that she faces on a daily basis, but this deep love that she has for her son.

Every parent’s fear

The singer reveals that every parent is afraid of watching their child grow up enfant. “At the same time we expect that, we want to carry them, to see them come out of the nest, that they have confidence in themselves, that they have dreams, passions, that they have a thirst for life, for traveling. This It’s not for nothing that my son is named Marin But, at the same time, we are also seized with anxiety at the arrival of a child that we have never known before! anxious for yourself, we don’t have the responsibility of a little being And then, you can no longer imagine your life without him, it’s crazy love and it’s scary. anxieties”, she explained.

Nolwenn Leroy: here is the origin and etymology of her little boy’s first name

An increasingly popular first name

The first name Marin may sound like a Breton first name yet this is not the case. L’Official First Names 2025editions First reveals that this first name comes from the Latin word mare which means sea. The first name Marin experienced a grande expansion between 2015 and 2022. It increased from 289 to more than 800 allocations. In France, more than 12,000 people have this first name. As for its trend in 2025, it is in increase. Indeed, the first name Marin is part of the Top 100 male first namesaccording to the magazine To the Feminine.

First name criteria

By revealing the first name of her son, the singer whose husband, Arnaud Clément, suffers from a rare disease, probably inspired many others parents. Indeed, if the first name Marin gains so much in popularityit’s certainly because it has something unique. In addition to being a first name worn by the son of a celebrity, Marin is a first name that has a link with nature. Another criterion which makes the particularity of the first name, it has two syllables for 5 letters. All these criteria listed are at the origin of the success of certain first names belonging to the Top 20 male first names more trendy in 2025.

The personality of the Marin

Children with the first name Marin are full of energy and have a character well soaked. Nothing surprising, given its symbolism. Furthermore, little Marins have no trouble deciding, because they know what they want and are very ambitious. They can also be authoritarian when they want to achieve their goals. Very sensitivethey often try to hide this side of themselves and prefer to pass themselves off as proud beings. In addition to being innovative, the Marins have big hearts and are very generous.

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