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Here is the kiss that everyone foresaw in “The Farm”

After weeks of looking at each other in love and embracing by the stove, two of the participants in “The Farm” finally lifted their restraints. .

The romantic scene came after the bartender Ivailo provoked Victor to take on the role of a baked stripper and show his feelings for the beauty. As the builder wondered what exactly to do, Tsveti approached him and kissed him first. Inspired by her courage, Victor lunged back at her, hugged her and kissed her long and devotedly like in a Hollywood movie.

“How pure this love is! Everything is so real! It’s like they’re both children experiencing this feeling for the first time,” said Laura, the youngest participant in the reality show, excitedly. Earlier this month, it became clear that Victor and Flowers are not indifferent to each other, Victor said he has a girlfriend, but keeps the young woman a secret, and Facebook is still “unattached.”

After entering the “Farm” and meeting the tense stewardess, the bagpiper can not hide his feelings for 30 days. “I just can’t stand it! Tsveti is very charming and coquettish. Her innocent clumsiness fits the farm so sexy,” said the young man, who had apparently forgotten about his girlfriend. “Oh, you’re in love!” in October.

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