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Here is the invisible apple pie, a delicious magic trick to amaze guests

If the intent is to prepare something that can surprise guests but does not involve wasting too much time, this is the right way. In the section dedicated to cooking, the gourmets of ProiezionidiBorsa offer traditional recipes every day. And certainly the apple is the most popular ingredient of the season. An example? With “A breath of love with Mom’s quick apple and yogurt cake”The dessert will be ready in a few minutes.

This evening, however, the great classic of apple pie is proposed in a magical way thanks to the invisible pie. A singular name due to the abundant quantity of apples inside that the dough almost disappears in front of so much goodness. So here’s the invisible apple pie, a delicious magic trick to wow guests.


  • 1 kg of apples, possibly the “Golden” ones that are most suitable for preparation;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of brown sugar;
  • 20 g di butter;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 70 g of flour;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder.

Here is the invisible apple pie, a delicious magic trick to amaze guests. Method

The first step in creating the cake is to wash, peel and cut into thin slices. Place the apples in a bowl, pour in the juice of one lemon and set aside. Then place the eggs in a bowl and work them with the sugar. Su will form the classic frothy and clear mixture. At this point you need to melt the butter and pour it into the mixture, in the same way proceed with the milk. Sift the flour and baking powder and add to the mixture along with a pinch of salt. Drain the apples and add them to the cake. Take a buttered pan, pour the mixture and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Once cooked, the cake will be a sight to behold thanks to the apple filling that will make the other ingredients disappear in an optical game.

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