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Here is the deadline on how to pay the Rai 2021 fee in installments on the pension

For pensioners, the deadline for submitting the application to charge the possession tax is about to expire television in installments. Basically the amount will be taken directly on the pension.

Here is the deadline on how to pay the Rai 2021 fee in installments on the pension. That is by next Monday, November 16th. Except last minute extensions.

In particular, for the split payment of the Rai license fee, the pension holder must submit the installment application by 15 November of the year preceding the one to which the TV subscription refers.

Here is the deadline on how to pay the Rai 2021 fee in installments on the pension

And since November 15th falls on a Sunday this year, the deadline automatically moves to the next working day.

The facility that allows, on request, to pay the Rai 2021 fee in installments on the pension, however, is possible for most pensioners. But still not for everyone.

And this because there are income limits to be respected. In detail, only those pensioners who, in the year preceding that relating to the submission of the application, have a pension income that does not exceed the threshold of 18,000 euros can request the splitting of the RAI fee with direct debit on the pension.

Subdivision of the television ownership tax, from the application to the certification of payment

The pension institution also establishes the methods for submitting the application for the installment of the Rai fee. It then communicates the outcome of the application submitted by the deadline indicated above.

If the application is accepted, the pension institution will always certify to the pensioner the payment, for the reference year, of the TV ownership tax.

It should be noted that retirees and recipients of welfare benefits INPS who meet the income requirements can apply online. Precisely by following the procedure indicated on the website of the Social Security Institute. And this always by next Monday.

If the application is accepted, therefore, the amount of the Rai license fee for 2021 will be paid in eleven monthly installments. And without the burden of interest.

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