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Here is Meloni’s “prophecy”: “I tell you when Conte falls”

The prime minister’s executive has survived to this day despite numerous difficulties Giuseppe Conte is now hanging by a thread, with a majority so unstable that it would take very little to bring it down like a house of cards. Now the clash between government officials has moved to the field of immigration (with the left-wing team that is trembling to modify, or rather, effectively cancel the Matteo Salvini Security decrees) and that of the My. With the Five Stars strongly hostile (at least until now) to the activation of the State-saving Fund, it seems that the Prime Minister has decided to postpone everything in September, waiting to find a solution that can put everyone in agreement, but this has dissatisfied the Forza Italia group, which will therefore not support the government in the next votes.

The future of the people’s lawyer is very uncertain, with rumors that even speak of his intention to create a new one party all his, which worries grillini and dem.

So the Count-bis is about to end? The president of Fratelli d’Italia seems convinced of this Giorgia Meloni, who during an interview with “Repubblica” comments on the current political situation. “The Cassintegrati are still waiting for the money, the entrepreneurs the subsidized loans, many have lost their jobs. I am what I see: a Prime Minister who was locked in a villa for ten days to tell the entire globe that he was not has a shred of idea on how to do it restart this country “, attacks the leader of FdI, before moving on to talk about the meeting with the oppositions promised by Palazzo Chigi: “There is no trace of that invitation. And do you know why? Because we asked Conte to send us, with the invitation, also the document with the proposals that we should discuss. Document that, by eye, does not exist. And besides, because he wanted us apart. We answered no. “

The government, according to Meloni, is nearing its end. “This government must go home because of its political fragility, even before it is numerical. Yes, I really think they will go under Senate, she replies, when the “Repubblica” journalist asks her if the executive will fall in the autumn.“There is only one way forward. And the President of the Republic knows this well. No majority with the numbers of this Parliament are able to deal with the economic emergency with determination. The most responsible thing that can be done is to call for new elections. Even with the current electoral law “, go on.

Meanwhile, the center-right, disunited on the Mes issue, given that Forza Italia has declared itself favorable (“It is an important difference. We will vote against it. If the treaty is not changed, the risk of finding ourselves there Troika is around the corner“), is busy organizing the July 4th demonstration. “On Republic Day we asked the government to demonstrate the seriousness and responsibility necessary for the economic recovery. Let’s go back to the streets because a month has gone by and things have only gotten worse”, says Meloni, who returns to the Prefecture’s decision to limit the attendance of participants. “Masks cannot become a gag. We will be responsible and spaced, rest assured. But we have seen many other gatherings, from April 25 in the square in memory of George Floyd until the inauguration of the Genoa bridge. But criticisms are made, coincidentally, only when someone demonstrates against the government “, attack.

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