To live long and in good health or at least to try, it is important to observe some good rules.
According to some studies including a recent publication by the English Institute of Nice (National Institute for Health and Clinical Exellence) to stay healthy and prevent some ailments, including the one we will talk about shortly, it is essential to follow some rules .
That is: eating healthily and correctly, practicing sports on a regular basis, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking or drinking. The so-called 5 golden rules which according to the opinion of some scholars, including Americans, would help to earn an average of over 10 years of life.
We too at ProiezionidiBorsa never tire of reminding our readers of the benefits and advantages that derive from a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. The choice of the foods we bring to our tables is essential to prevent many diseases and to feel good. And the Mediterranean diet also according to the Umberto Veronesi Foundation keeps away the disorder we will talk about in this article.
Some foods are, in fact, more precious than others for our health while others are clearly to be avoided.
In a previous article published on the site we told the readers how these 2 fish that not everyone knows, act positively on triglycerides as well as being rich in iron, phosphorus, iodine.
Today, however, we will talk about a disorder common to many people and how to prevent any relapses, following some simple tips.
In particular, here is how many liters of water to drink per day to avoid this widespread disorder among men and women aged 30 to 60 years. Even the Ministry of Health has described the amount of water necessary for the needs of each age range.
About 10% of the population suffers from this pathology
The first cure to prevent this ailment that affects men and women is diet. A diet with a low content of salt, animal proteins and sugars and adequate hydration are essential. In fact, in recent years, this disorder has grown considerably also due to the higher intake of animal proteins. The latter together with other causes and risk factors could be among the main culprits of stones. That is, the presence of solid formations in the kidneys or directly in the bladder.
Here is how many liters of water to drink per day to avoid this widespread disorder among men and women aged 30 to 60 years
The factors that predispose a healthy person to stones are many. An unhealthy diet, obesity, taking calcium or vitamin-rich medications and supplements, certain inflammatory diseases, or simply being familiar with a person who has suffered from stones can increase the chance of suffering from them as well. However, among the causes that can trigger stones, let’s not forget dehydration.
Lack of hydration, i.e. not drinking enough, can lead to changes in the components of the urine.
Therefore, an insufficient volume of urine and the consequent difficulty on the part of mineral salts and waste substances to dissolve which, on the other hand, end up aggregating together forming stones.
Therefore, a person at risk of calculus should drink about two liters of water a day to avoid this widespread and sneaky ailment. Good hydration can be helpful in preventing stones or any relapses.
In the event that there is a diagnosis of stones, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to specifically evaluate and recommend the amount of water to drink and the diet to follow.