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Here is a delicious seasonal fruit that could help keep you young and healthy

The well-being of the person, at any age, also passes through the food and the choice of dishes that are brought to the table. Each season of the year brings with it products of the earth that are extremely beneficial for the person in different ways. A very recent scientific review by some Italian researchers has highlighted the numerous properties of a particular fruit that is easy to find at this time of year. Here is a delicious seasonal fruit that could help keep you young and healthy as we illustrate below.

Why does eating healthy help you feel better?

One of the paradoxes of our day predicts that the abundant availability of food, the primary source of survival, at the same time exposes to the risk of a harmful nutrition. Some foods, as science confirms, can become potentially harmful to health and are considered real risk factors for diseases. One example among many concerns the excessive consumption of refined sugars and the consequences it has on health. As the World Health Organization points out, the number of people suffering from diabetic diseases has increased dramatically in recent decades. Similarly, there are different forms of cancer that science associates with poor nutrition. In this sense, it is always useful to diagnose pathologies as soon as possible in order to guarantee more effective interventions. In a previous article we illustrated what the 3 high blood counts that could act as a cancer warning sign.

Here is a delicious seasonal fruit that could help keep you young and healthy

The pomegranate gathers around it numerous legends that make it fascinating not only on the narrative level, but also and above all on the food one. This is precisely the result that emerges from a recent one scientific review Italian which collects the main beneficial effects examined by several researches. The team of researchers has collected data from numerous scientific studies that have investigated specific aspects of this sweet autumn fruit over time. The pomegranate can be considered a functional food for maintaining a good state of health according to science and its main effects are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and prebiotic. When we talk about the antioxidant effect, we describe that chemical process which, thanks to some substances, manages to counteract and slow down the effect of free radicals.

This action protects cells, plasma membranes and DNA from damage and subsequent aging. In addition, the antioxidant action acts as a protective factor against the formation of numerous diseases. The pomegranate is rich in phytocompounds that have this effect such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, gallic and ferulic acid. To keep fit, therefore, it is possible to take advantage of the current season to stock up on this delicious fruit and feel better. In these cases it is always useful to follow the instructions of your nutritionist or expert doctor to include the pomegranate in your diet.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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