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Here he is brought in by the police

Ole Gunnar Solskjær appointed him captain of Manchester United due to his attitudes and leadership qualities. But now Harry Maguire has put himself in serious trouble.

In recent photos from the Greek island of Syros on Friday night, the 27-year-old is brought into the premises of the prosecution.

Greek police accuse him and two others of taking part in a long-arm fight.

The pictures get a lot of attention in England, including in the newspaper Independent.

Photo: NTB scanpix” alt=”MATCH: Harry Maguire spiller vanligvis alle kampene for Manchester United. Men nå er han inne i sin tøffeste kamp. Foto: NTB scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767048.jpg?imageId=72767048&x=22.383073496659&y=12.918660287081&cropw=76.614699331849&croph=62.519936204147&width=496&height=284&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767048.jpg?imageId=72767048&x=22.383073496659&y=12.918660287081&cropw=76.614699331849&croph=62.519936204147&width=666&height=380&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767048.jpg?imageId=72767048&x=22.383073496659&y=12.918660287081&cropw=76.614699331849&croph=62.519936204147&width=689&height=393&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767048.jpg?imageId=72767048&x=22.383073496659&y=12.918660287081&cropw=76.614699331849&croph=62.519936204147&width=689&height=393″/>
MATCH: Harry Maguire usually plays all the matches for Manchester United. But now he is in his toughest fight. Photo: NTB scanpix
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The alleged riot took place on the holiday island of Mykonos last night. Local media reports that Maguire was one of three men arrested, after two groups of Britons smoked at each other outside the bar Fabrica.

Photos on social media show that the United captain spent much of Thursday.

Photo: NTB scanpix” alt=”WITH MOUTH BLIND: Harry Maguire hadde strengt vakthold rundt seg i ettermiddag. Foto: NTB scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767145.jpg?imageId=72767145&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.854862119013&croph=85.106382978723&width=496&height=578&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767145.jpg?imageId=72767145&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.854862119013&croph=85.106382978723&width=666&height=775&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767145.jpg?imageId=72767145&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.854862119013&croph=85.106382978723&width=689&height=802&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767145.jpg?imageId=72767145&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.854862119013&croph=85.106382978723&width=689&height=802″/>
WITH MOUTHBAND: Harry Maguire had strict guards around him this afternoon. Photo: NTB scanpix
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Petros Vassilakis, a spokesman for the local police, told Reuters:

– When the quarrel had been settled, one of the two groups – the one with the football player – started to go on a verbal attack on the police. Several police officers were present. At one point, one of the people in the group attacked the police, and a fight broke out.

Photo: NTB scanpix” alt=”UNSURE: Skjebnen til Harry Maguire er usikker fredag kveld. Foto: NTB scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767038.jpg?imageId=72767038&x=0&y=5.2401746724891&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=496&height=284&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767038.jpg?imageId=72767038&x=0&y=5.2401746724891&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=666&height=380&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767038.jpg?imageId=72767038&x=0&y=5.2401746724891&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=689&height=393&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767038.jpg?imageId=72767038&x=0&y=5.2401746724891&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=689&height=393″/>
UNSURE: The fate of Harry Maguire is uncertain Friday night. Photo: NTB scanpix
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He continues:

– All three were arrested. In connection with the work, the other two – including the football player – became violent. They hit at least two policemen with blows and kicks. All three, including the football player, were put in a cell on Mykonos.

Friday afternoon, Maguire and co. up with the prosecution on the island of Syros. There they were confronted by a public prosecutor.

IT’S COMING HOME: Harry Maguire has headed England in the lead against Sweden. In London, the jubilation is on the ceiling. Video: Marthe Ihle
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The outcome is not yet known. But Maguire risks another day in the cell, several English newspapers report.

According to The Guardian, Maguire’s lawyer, Konstantinos Darivas, denies that the captain denies the allegations.

– He is completely convinced that he will be released – without charge.

Manchester United have officially commented on what has happened. It’s called:

– The club is aware of an incident involving Harry Maguire on Mykonos last night. Contact has been established with Harry, and he is fully cooperating with the Greek authorities. At this time, the club will not comment further.

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