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Here are the real risks for the health of those who never eat legumes

The fantastic scenes of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill with the inevitable bean dishes. But, in addition to being tasty, versatile and cheap, beans, as well as all legumes, are extraordinarily beneficial for our health. We have often talked about it in the articles of our editorial staff. Today, however, we make the opposite reasoning and here are the concrete risks for the health of those who never eat legumes. We also take advantage of nutritional advice about all cancer prevention associations.

Now is their season

The global economy with all its comforts has accustomed us to having ready-made fruit and vegetables practically all year round. Whether fresh, arriving from all over the world, preserved or frozen. Legumes are no exception to this rule, and indeed have always represented fast canned food par excellence. But let’s not forget that this is the right season to take advantage of fresh peas, broad beans and beans.

They are an important part of the Mediterranean diet

Legumes represent an important slice of the famous Mediterranean diet, a Unesco heritage. So many benefits are now recognized that many leading Italian companies offer them in a hamburger and meatball version, frozen and ready to taste. If, at one time, it was thought that they were a poor dish, food science in recent years has put these false popular beliefs into question.

What is lost who does not eat legumes

Here are the concrete risks for the health of those who never eat legumes, and lack:

  • vegetable proteins;
  • dietary fiber;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

According to many doctors and scientists, if we do not have particular allergies or dysfunctions related to their use, we should consume legumes even three times a week. A huge help in lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure. Which would not happen by giving up.

Remember to always rinse the canned ones well under water

Some still believe that canned legumes lose a large part of the nutrients in the processing cycle. But is not so. Indeed, more and more tests have been carried out in this regard and which confirm this thesis. If, however, we are used to using canned ones for convenience, let us always remember to rinse them well under water to eliminate the excess salt contained for conservation.


Be careful not to get too close to these fields and these plants because we even risk dying

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