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Here are the natural remedies to sleep peacefully

One of the most common discomforts and sometimes also a source of big conditioning in the life of a relationship, is the russamento. Many couples, in fact, ended up separating also due to this annoyance caused by one partner to another.

This problem is not easy to solve as it is sometimes linked to wrong lifestyle habits and sometimes to the nasal structure. However, in this article, We at Projections di Borsa, want to illustrate which are the natural remedies to sleep peacefully.

First of all, we must try to counteract bad habits. So, the first step is to avoid smoking and reduce alcohol consumption, especially before going to bed. As well as reduce fat and also avoid eating heavy foods. And, in general, try not to gain weight.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly hydrate the body by drinking plenty of fluids. Finally, it is advisable to sleep on your side and use a second pillow to keep your head higher, thus making breathing easier. Plus, get into the habit of breathing through your nose and not your mouth.

Natural remedies for peaceful sleep

Always along the lines of advice on what are the natural remedies to sleep peacefully, let’s move on to some “grandmother’s” indications to stop snoring. For this purpose, we can use essential oils which, thanks to their decongestant, emollient and disinfectant properties, can act on the mucous membranes, facilitating nasal ventilation, even during the night.

A very effective preparation could be the one made with essential oil of eucalyptus, mountain pine, juniper and peppermint. How is it prepared?

Just use 25 ml of each, mix them and pour a few drops on a damp cloth, and then place it on a radiator of the bedroom. Or, alternatively, humidifiers or aroma diffusers can be used for the diffusion of the substance. This mixture, evaporating, will be breathed by the snorer during the night, resulting in a certainly beneficial effect.

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