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Here are the Most Universally Liked and Disliked Smells

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There is a universal smell or smell perception driven by molecular structure and that explains why we like or dislike certain smells.

Nationalgeographic.co.id—The beauty of color and the melody of sound or the innocence of music are those things universal. As well as building or aroma. A new study has found that the general consensus about what constitutes “good” and “bad” smells has replaced our cultural background.

“Cultures around the world rank different smells the same way no matter where they come from, but smell preference has a specific component,” says Artin Arshamiana researcher in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, who is the author of the new study which has been published in the journal Current Biology.

The study involved noses from around the world with the help of an international team who carried out their investigations both under experimental conditions and in the field. The nose owners came from a variety of backgrounds, including some indigenous groups who had very little exposure to odors and foodstuffs outside of their own culture.

“We wanted to examine whether people all over the world have the same perception of smells and like the same types of smells, or if this is something that is culturally learned,” Arshamian said. IFL Science.

“Traditionally smell has been seen as culture, but we can show that culture has nothing to do with it.”

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