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Here are the foods to boost immunity

Follow-up – Jawdat Nasri

Choosing a healthy lifestyle, following healthy lifestyle strategies as well as choosing the right foods is the best step in maintaining the strength and health of the immune system.The following points show the best types of foods to strengthen the immune system:

citrus fruits

Good amounts of vitamin C can be obtained by adding citrus fruits to the diet. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a necessary component to stimulate the immune system to increase its strength. It also plays an important role in the fight against infections, viruses and bacteria, according to a study published in the journal Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry in 2014.


Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin C and also contains a group of powerful antioxidants, such as sulforaphane. Therefore, eating it regularly as part of a healthy diet is a good option to support a healthy immune system.


Spinach is a rich source of vitamin C, as well as containing beta-carotene, and many antioxidants. So taking it can help increase the immune system’s ability to fight infections. Spinach is also one of the best food sources of magnesium. It is essential for energy metabolism, maintenance of muscle and nerve function, a regular heart rate, a healthy immune system and normal blood pressure.

the garlic

A 2015 review published in the Journal of Immunology Research stated that garlic has the effect of reducing inflammation and improving bowel function by stimulating certain types of immune cells such as phagocytes, lymphocytes, and antibody-producing natural killer cells. And change the shape of the cytokine (Cytokine) and others.


Cocoa is a relatively rich food in polyphenols, which makes it a powerful antioxidant. It also positively affects the immune system, as indicated by a laboratory study conducted in mice and published in Frontiers in pharmacology in 2013. However, further studies are needed to confirm its effect.


Honey is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. That could play an important role in boosting immune health and reducing the chances of bacterial infection, according to a study published in the journal (Oxidative Medicine and cellular longevity) in 2018.


A preliminary study in mice published in Acta informatica medica in 2012 indicated that daily papaya extract significantly reduces oxidative stress and improves immune function.

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