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Here are the 3 vitamin-rich fruits that we absolutely must eat in October

Consuming seasonal fruit and vegetables is a healthy habit that allows us to fill up on beneficial properties and also save on shopping. In fact, we have always reiterated that “health also passes from the table” and that consuming seasonal foods helps to ward off ailments. Each period has its typical products and even October gives us a wide range of fruit and vegetables to eat raw or cooked.

With the arrival of autumn then, we need the nourishment to be able to face the first ailments of the season with more strength. So, here are the 3 vitamin-rich fruits that we absolutely must eat in October. Let’s talk about grapes, persimmons and pomegranates.

Here are the 3 vitamin-rich fruits that we absolutely must eat in October

Grapes are the fruit of the vine, made up of rounded berries, with a more or less thick and edible skin. Its color is variable and we can find it on the market, red, black and white.

They are small fruits but rich and precious properties for our well-being. They contain vitamins (group A and C), mineral salts and nutrients, which have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. Grapes could help in case of cardiovascular disease and also counteract aging. A fruit rich in fiber that helps in case of constipation.

Let’s talk about persimmons now. A typically autumn fruit with a sweet and sugary flavor. It is cultivated in many parts of Europe even if its origins are Chinese. It is characterized by a gelatinous but very tasty pulp. Persimmons are rich in vitamins A, B and C and have many beneficial properties.

Fiber, in particular, helps with constipation and appears to protect the heart from cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C, then, plays a very important role because it helps to increase the immune system and it also slows down aging.

Last fruit: the pomegranate

The pomegranate is a very ancient fruit, characterized by a very thick skin that contains small red seeds, with a particular flavor. A typically autumn fruit that has many healing properties. Rich in vitamin C, it helps strengthen the immune system and protects the body from seasonal ailments. The presence of fiber helps digestion and protects the intestines.

A fruit rich in antioxidants that helps fight free radicals and improves the beauty of the skin. We can enjoy it by extracting the beans from the peel or preparing a delicious juice.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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