The Dancing with the Stars competition will continue again in September on MTV.
Dancing with the Stars – program’s new couples have now been announced. Iltalehti followed the event live and in text tracking below.
During the summer, MTV has hinted that the upcoming season will feature many beloved artists, well-known faces from the entertainment world, and top players from the sports world.
A total of 11 couples will be seen on the dance floor. The couples are actress Linnea Leino and Anssi Heikkiläartist Olli Halonen and Kerttu Nieminen, actress Niina Lahtinen and Sami Heleniussinger Arja Koriseva and Valtteri Palinsinger Bess and Marko Keränen, presenter Constantinos “Gogi” Mavromichalis and Kia Lehmuskoski, hurdler Annimari Korte and Matti Puro, who ended her career, journalist Susani Mahadura and Mikko Matikkasports journalist Mika Saukkonen and Liisa Setälä and artist Isaac Sene and Chestnut Rauhala.
He evaluates dance couples as usual Jorma Uotinen, Helena Ahti-Hallberg and Jukka Haapalainen. The program is presented as usual Ernest Lawson and May Day Pimi.
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TTK starts on MTV3 channel and Katsomo on Sunday, September 1. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.

The familiar jury and host duo will continue in the Dancing with stars program. MTV
#Dancing #Stars #stars #Featuring #singing #legend