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Here are 7 Signs of a Vitamin Deficiency Body

Suroboyo.id – The body needs a variety of important nutrients to produce energy, including vitamins. The body’s need for vitamins is not small.

Various kinds of vitamins A, B, C and D are needed by the body to maintain healthy organs and the continuity of metabolic processes.

Regarding the problem of vitamins, are you sure that your vitamin intake has been met properly? To be sure, pay attention to the following signs of vitamin deficiency.

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Signs of Vitamin Deficiency in the Body

Although vitamins can be easily met through the consumption of fruits and vegetables, there are still many Indonesians who lack vitamins. Some signs of a vitamin deficiency include:

  1. Health problems. The most easily observed sign of vitamin deficiency is the appearance of various diseases. The diseases that can arise due to lack of vitamins are short-sightedness, cataracts, decreased immunity, damaged skin, canker sores and many others.
  2. Easy Pain in the Body. The next sign of vitamin deficiency is easy pain in all parts of the body. The most common pain is pain in the gums. To restore a body condition that is easy to pain like this, consume foods that contain vitamin C.
  3. Sprue Appears. Decreased immune system and the appearance of oral problems such as swollen gums and canker sores are not only signs of vitamin C deficiency. This is also an indication that the body lacks vitamin B2. Therefore, if you experience canker sores or swollen gums, try consuming vegetables, milk and eggs.
  4. Nerve Disorders. Have you ever had muscle cramps? If you have, you should be careful because this is one sign of vitamin E deficiency. Apart from causing neurological disorders, vitamin E deficiency in men can also cause infertility. To solve this problem, you can consume egg yolks and sprouts.
  5. Muscle spasms and bone breakdown. Vitamin D deficiency can cause various kinds of bone and muscle diseases. Tooth loss is also often triggered by a lack of vitamin D. To meet the intake of vitamin D, consume fish, milk, eggs and cheese. Basking in the morning sun can also help you get your vitamin D intake.
  6. Frequent Anemia. Anemia is a disease that occurs due to lack of vitamin B12. Symptoms of anemia are often tired, dizzy and pale. To overcome anemia, you are recommended to consume eggs, liver and meat.
  7. Easy Muscle Cramps. Easy muscle cramps and accompanied by insomnia? If so, you are experiencing a vitamin B5 deficiency. To get rid of signs of vitamin deficiency on this one, try consuming vegetables, green beans and liver.

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That’s a sign of vitamin deficiency that can be seen easily. If you experience more than one sign, it’s a good idea to take vitamins in supplement form. That way, you can fulfill your vitamin intake without having to bother thinking about what food menu you should consume.

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