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Here are 5 Preparations Before Children Return to School Face to face

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. For almost two years, students have been studying online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the pandemic requires every educational institution to implement strict health protocols in order to reduce the number and prevent transmission of the virus.

One of the educational platforms in Indonesia, namely Superprof, also pays attention to how this face-to-face learning process takes place in Indonesia. Here are five tips from Superprof for parents who want to prepare well for their child’s return to learning with the face-to-face method at school:

1. Prepare medical equipment for children as long as they are out of reach of parents

Parents should check the implementation and monitoring of health protocols in schools before deciding for their child to do face-to-face learning. Pay attention to equipment and health facilities for children so as not to exchange tools with other students. Don’t forget to prepare stationery and cutlery from home.

2. Simulation of Teaching and Learning at Home

After a long time of distance learning, every parent is advised to check the mental health condition of their child which may be declining due to the lack of social interaction during the pandemic. Parents should remind that as long as health protocols are implemented, there is no need to worry too much about transmitting the virus. This is done so that children are not surprised by the condition of the learning process at school.

3. Good Communication

Parents need to communicate well with children so that during the face-to-face learning process they can continue to apply health protocols in an orderly manner. Always remind that the use of masks and hygiene are mandatory for the health of children and families at home.

4. Pay Attention to Children’s Mental Conditions

Parents are advised to ask their children’s activities and routines during face-to-face learning after school in order to understand their condition and provide moral and mental support. Starting from playing with whom to how they feel doing face-to-face learning at school and meeting friends.

5. Take Care of Children’s Physical Condition

For the sake of the physical health of children who are accustomed to learning from home, parents should prepare their children to rest and sleep early at night so that the next day their children are ready to engage in activities and carry out face-to-face learning routines at school.

For those who choose to continue learning online for the health and well-being of their children, because face-to-face learning is still not possible or too risky, parents can find a child’s learning companion with practical methods with the teachers available on Superprof. Superprof is an educational platform that can meet the learning needs of children who want to do private lessons.

With Superprof, parents can find and reserve private tutors in academic fields such as math, physics, foreign languages, and more. If parents want to improve their children’s abilities in other fields, there are also teachers in non-academic subjects such as sports coaches, music teachers, art teachers and others.

There is a wide variety of teaching options at Superprof. Teachers come from a variety of unique educational backgrounds, experiences and abilities. Parents can find and reserve a private tutor easily, simply by selecting the subject they want to take and then choosing a private tutor who has a profile and character that matches their child’s learning needs.

The rates charged by teachers also vary, parents can choose a teacher at a price that fits their budget. Private lessons can be done online and parents can get private tutors from different locations.

For parents and children who are ready to take private lessons face-to-face, it can also be done on condition that the health protocols are still applied. Private tutors for face-to-face courses can be found in the same location or area of ​​residence as the child.

Just a note, Superprof also has many articles that can be used as a source of information for both teachers and students at their blog.

Editor: beautiful sulistyorini

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