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Here are 5 poisonous plants you shouldn’t pick

Gathering plants in nature is not a safe act. The news is regularly marked by cases of serious or even fatal poisoning often linked to a confusion between an edible plant and a poisonous plant. ANSES has just published recommendations and the list of plants which are often confused.

The saffron ointment

The latter is very widespread in humid places in the west of France. In some regions, it is referred to as “pansacre”, “pempiz”. In Britain, where it is considered one of the most poisonous plants, it is called hemlock water dropwort. Its large roots exude a yellow juice of saffron color. They are even more toxic than the plant. The underground tuber is often confused with a turnip or the root of a wild carrot.

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When spring comes, wild garlic invades the good tables. But you have to be careful when using the spoon not to confuse it with the colchicum that grow nearby. They contain a very powerful toxin that can cause death. To differentiate it, just rub the leaves. If they smell like garlic, it is wild garlic.


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The belladone

Belladonna berries look like grapes or black currant which makes the plant particularly dangerous for children. A few berries are sufficient for severe intoxication. The first symptoms are immediate: dry mouth and eyes then tachycardia, hallucinations and coma. But the large poisoner is also used for therapeutic purposes: as eye drops, it is used in particular to dilate the pupil.


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The digital

This plant of shaded undergrowth is also called glove of Notre-Dame. It is particularly poisonous from flowers to leaves including seeds. Moreover, it is often confused with comfrey which is edible.


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The verâtre

The veratre looks a lot like the gentian. Here again, this risk of confusion is not without danger: the verâtre is very toxic. Both plants grow at an altitude of over 800 meters in the mountain ranges. If the roots of the yellow gentian are used to elaborate in alcoholic beverages, we will avoid doing it as well as the verâtre which is potentially fatal.


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