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Herbs that you can benefit from to combat Corona disease, including ginger and black seed

We learned from the Coronavirus pandemic a lot of lessons, the most important of which is the importance of immunity, the main element in fighting the Corona virus is immunity, and nearly a year has passed since the outbreak of this virus and the only thing that we can refer to as a solution to prevent corona virus is a stronger immune system.

According to a site report “onlymyhealth“Not only is Corona disease, but it also helps treat seasonal and other viral infections, meaning that better immunity guarantees better health.

The link between Ayurveda and Immunology

Ayurveda is the ancient medical science that used natural plants to treat all kinds of health problems, and our ancestors did not take medicines as they knew herbs and plants to treat this problem, even during an outbreak, the only thing that even doctors promoted was the use of herbs and spices to keep immunity strong.

Herbs that help fight the deadly corona virus


Moringa is rich in vitamin C And antioxidants, which are two important nutrients to prevent corona virus, you may be surprised to learn that the proportion of vitamin C in moringa is about 7 times higher than orange, and there are many other foods that contain a high proportion of vitamin C other than orange. But that’s not all that makes moringa such a powerful herb.

It also contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, D and E; Calcium, iron, copper, zinc, potassium, and magnesium – all of these elements promote the growth of cells, tissues and muscles.

habat al Baraka

This is widely used in pickles, but there are many health benefits of nigella seeds that explain why it is useful in preventing viral infections such as Coronavirus.

It contains a lot of antioxidants that eliminate free radicals from the body to reduce the damage they cause.


Neem has always been associated with immunity, but we are using it more as medicine, Neem is not only antiseptic and antibacterial in nature, but it is also a powerful immune booster. Its hidden anti-fungal and anti-virus properties protect against pathogens by strengthening the body’s defense system.

Neem helps in purifying the body and eliminating toxic elements to promote general health, you can mix neem powder with water or take neem oil, just be aware of the amount before consumption.


Basil or tulsi helps boost immunity, the aromatic flavor, it is germicidal, antioxidant and rich in plants, it can effectively detect viruses or bacteria and kill them.

To use tulsi for immunity, simply chew 3-4 leaves daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Additionally, add tulsi leaves to water, tea, or any other beverage.


Ginger is one of the plants that we use to fight seasonal infections, coughs, colds and flu, and this is also an immunity treatment, as it contains gingerol, which is a strong antioxidant, so eating ginger on a daily basis keeps the system protected. Not only does it kill the virus, it also opens the respiratory system to ward off the risk of infection.

Add ginger to your diet, drink ginger tea or have a piece of raw ginger whenever you want.


Turmeric is an exceptionally wonderful plant for immunity, as it has infection-fighting properties due to the curcumin in turmeric, the secret ingredient behind turmeric. To get its benefits, simply add a little turmeric powder to your meals, make turmeric tea, or drink turmeric milk daily.

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