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Herbolzheim: The completely crazy Christmas house – Herbolzheim

Electricity bill is 400 to 500 euros

And how long does it take to decorate the whole house? Kovacs can’t say exactly: “I start on November 1st and then work one to three hours a day, depending on how I feel and how much time I have. You have to be careful, especially when working and securing the roof, for this you need dry weather. “

There are around 50,000 LED lights that make Kovacs’ house shine. Not only the two policemen on the YouTube video are wondering how high his electricity costs for this Christmas spectacle are. “Not that high at all. Maybe 400 to 500 euros,” reveals the tire dealer with a laugh. “Because everything is operated with LEDs, this is manageable. With traditional light bulbs, on the other hand, you could hardly pay the electricity costs.”

Especially now in the Corona period, his house gives people joy and hope, he is sure: “Some of the people really thank me. Some families with children from the surrounding area come here regularly. They are very happy right now. that the house exists because there is nothing else to do with the children for Christmas. ” His best feedback so far was a card in his mailbox that read: “Thank you very much for a moment of Christmas magic at this strange time.”

Sven Kovacs will let the “Herbolzheimer Christmas House” “In der Kammerten 6” shine brightly until January 6th daily from 3pm to 8pm. “No longer so as not to mislead people into breaking the curfew,” he explains. He also urges visitors to adhere to the distances and corona regulations, “so that I can keep the Christmas house lit”. Incidentally, this also lights up for a good cause. A horse with a trailer is set up as a figure in the garden. If you like, you can donate something for the “Maierhof” riding stables. Its supplies were completely destroyed twice in a row in the 2019 barn fire series.

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