©Pixabay – Analogicus
Thursday April 22 at 2 p.m., the results of the elections for the Departmental Council for Citizenship and Autonomy were announced in the Gérard Saumade Hemicycle at the Hôtel du Département in Montpellier, in the presence of members of the CDCA in video, Gabrielle Henry, Deputy Vice-President for Solidarity-Handicap and Patricia Weber, Vice-President for Solidarity with the Person.
Chaired by Kléber Mesquida, President of the Department, the Departmental Council for Citizenship and Autonomy (CDCA) is made up of representatives of users, representatives of institutions, professional bodies and representatives of natural or legal persons concerned by the policies of autonomy and citizenship.
The members of the CDCA voted: Jean-Claude Artus is the new vice-president of training for the elderly, following Mr. Mirault, and Yvon Poncé the new vice-president of training for the disabled, at Mr. Cantié’s suite.
The new vice-presidents of the Departmental Council for Citizenship and Autonomy are elected… but what is the CDCA?
The Department relies on the Departmental Council for Citizenship and Autonomy for its age and disability policies. The CDCA is consulted for its opinion on all subjects relating to autonomy: the autonomy plan of the Department, the activity of the MDPH (Departmental House of Handicapped People), the regional health plan of the ARS, the Conference funders for the prevention of loss of autonomy (CFPPA), agreements between the Department and its partners, etc.
Since its installation in Hérault in 2017, the CDCA has initiated many actions such as the organization of disability awareness days and culture, employment and disability (situations of different disabilities), disabled sports stand, etc. place of partnerships in the Department within the framework of the Blue Week; or even the animation of working groups on accessible schools, access to employment for people with disabilities, the action of social life councils in medico-social establishments
“In order for the elderly to be involved in their good health, prevention action must be improved. This is all the more important after these periods of confinement which have strongly isolated the seniors. I will be fully available to help with this information and prevention mission. », Expressed Jean-Claude Artus. “I have been campaigning for many years to advance the cause of people with disabilities and I am very happy to continue this fight within the CDCA. », Declared Yvon Poncé.