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Hérault: In 2023, the department hopes to ease its financial constraints slightly

This Friday, December 16, 2022, during the debate on the budgetary orientation, Kléber Mesquida presented the main lines of the next financial year, which should balance at around 1.84 million euros.

“I am calmer than when we closed 2021. We can hope that these forecasts will follow the effects”. In 2023, and according to the outline presented this Friday by Kléber Mesquida, the Department should begin to loosen the financial grip it has had since 2019.

The forecast budget presented would be balanced at 1.84 billion euros between operation and investment with an increase in expenses and revenues but greater room for maneuver illustrated by self-financing of 56.80 million euros, higher than in 2022 (47, 7).

These trends should allow the community to reduce its debt repayment term to 5.5 years from 12 years in 2021.

Increases in fuels, food materials

The increase in expenditure is partly due to the increase in fuel (16.40 million euros), foodstuffs (6.80 million euros) and the revision of the indexing system for departmental agents (16 million euros including the revaluations linked to the Ségur de la santé). “Compared to 2021, there are 83 million more”, I pointed to Kléber Mesquida.

Overall, social spending (APA, RSA, disability benefits) should reach 855 million euros, an increase, even if the number of RSA beneficiaries would be equal to last year.

On the revenue side, the Hérault continues to benefit from the dynamism of the real estate market through transfer taxes estimated at 320 million euros compared to 309 million euros a year ago, while the contribution on the value added of companies (CVAE) will be compensated from a VAT relief of 58.80 million euros.

Spending on investments is also growing, especially for roads (+43 million euros) and for aid to municipalities. “We will be able to recover a certain number of files that had been frozen. There is a willingness on the part of the executive to propose a strengthening of the local economy”, believes his representative.

The presentation of these budgetary trends has received unreserved support from majority groups and centre-right elected officials. For Biterrois elected representatives Nicole Zenon and Jean-Louis Respaud, it still translates to “optimism” which nothing suggests in the coming months. A vote on the community’s initial budget is scheduled for mid-February.

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