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Her sisters live in Moscow. He tells what he hears from his brother

– I am very attached to them and now I suffer a lot that I cannot go because the world has changed so terribly – Małgorzata Potocka appeared in one of her recent interviews.

Małgorzata Potocka’s father, Ryszard Potocki, has two children from his first marriage to a woman named Sara, with whom he lived in Moscow. When the husband had to leave because of the political situation at that time, his wife stayed in Russia. He promised to come back for her, but he never did. Finally, they parted by letters.

Ryszard Potocki did not see his first wife and children: Jan and Maria for years. It was only thanks to Małgorzata Potocka, the daughter from his second marriage with Maria Chybowska, that he was able to meet them.

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“This world has changed so terribly”

In the second half of the 1970s, Małgorzata Potocka was offered to play the main role in a Polish film, which was to be shot in Moscow. It was then that the actress decided to take her father with her to the capital of Russia and meet her sisters and Sara.

– I remember standing behind my father. I saw her open the door and they looked at each other. They touched each other’s faces and it was so touching. I thought to myself, when someone asked me if I knew what love was, this picture was a real act for me. It was beautiful that she didn’t ask him why he didn’t come back for her – she mentioned in an interview with Złota Scena.

Her sisters live in Moscow. He tells what he hears from his brother

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Potocka visited her sisters many times, also after her father’s death. He has a beautiful relationship with his brother and sister. Therefore, the current separation, which has lasted since the start of the war in Ukraine, is difficult.

– I am very attached to them and now I suffer a lot that I cannot go because the world has changed so terribly. We call each other all the time and my brother says: “Listen. I’m devastated by this situation, by this war, that I don’t identify with. I’m stuck here and it’s terrible,” said the star in an interview with Golden Stage.

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2024-09-22 19:53:00

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